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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Great hire, the best candidate out there that wasn't eligible for social security.
  2. Did I miss something, and sorry to re-hash, but did this Flutie guy play special teams? If that was the case, and he was on the bench after that Johnson guy gave the Bills the lead against the eventual AFC Super Bowl Representative, with almost no time left, the special teams coach should have been fired. I think a lot of people lose perspective of what happened. It was that Flutie guy who had a chance to win a playoff game the year before but lost a fumble inside the 5 yard line on a weak hit. The QB decision against that Titans D was a no-brainer, go with the someone who could get it down the field, they were a very tough team up front but their safeties were aging and everyone knew that. Couple that with Ralph having a hard on to beat Bud and there you have it. I don't think most people realize that the coaches and owner probably didn't have much confidence in the "people's choice" QB because of his limitations and track record based on what happened the prior season against the fish. The Johnson decision maybe didn't sit well with the simple minded fans but anyone who understands the game knew this was the was best chance to win that particular game.
  3. Yes and No. Yes, the Bills could use #9 to draft a potential star player which is always the hope. But it is only one player. No, the trade down scenario is exactly what the Bills could use, as seen last year. Trading down nets you additional players that are at a potentially higher level. It stocks the cupboards in the areas that are extremely thin(see OL and TE). The scenario laid out by Nanker has the Bills netting an additional 2nd and 5th rounder, while still grabbing a quality 1st rounder at 26. The leaves the Bills a total of 4 picks in the top 70 roughly. Thats a nice haul for some quality players at some much needed positions that a horribly thin. They could grab a WR, OL, LB, and TE that they might like all before they even hit the 4th round. I would do that all day every day unless there is a superstar stud, can't miss Hall of Famer sitting there at 9, which is unlikely. Time for Doug to find the Browns number.
  4. I think nowadays, that ship has sailed in journalism (see MSNBC, CNBC, NBC.........) It's what is reported that counts. not the substance or truth of the reporting. If that was the case, the current President wouldn't be the current President. In terms of the HOF, there seems to be a leaning towards players with a very partial media behind them (Sapp, Irvin, Carter) and a few others that I just can't think of off the top of my head but the bias is there.........and yes, possibly the numbers for those players might help them but they still don't stack up with some players of the 60's, 70's or 80's when the game was a bit different overall.
  5. Absolutely Also, to keep with the topic of the thread, any guess to the stats of Puss?, and are we sure they are silicone, that cover 2 seems to be pushing up the corners and bringing everything into the middle of the D??
  6. When does that Puss come out with her own movie??
  7. That's kinda funny and given the state of politics in WNY, it might not be a bad thing if he won. My question is though, in what universe would someone running for Justice of the Supreme Court, be listed as a Democrat and a Conservative??? If that isn't the biggest Oxymoron, I don't know what is. Seriously, how in the hell did someone get away with paying off the election board to get that one to slip through on the ballot? Gotta love the politics up there, you just never know what kind of crap will show up.
  8. The Bills aren't going to take Manziel!! Sure, he is a Flutie-esque type player, but I would guess there are very few teams looking for "that" type of player nowadays. Unless he figures out that football is a team sport, he won't make it for long in the NFL. My guess is that he is not the type of player the Bills are looking for. I still like the idea of Pachall of being a late round or UDFA pick to be a project QB, but I seriously don't see the Bills taking a QB at all next year unless EJ shitz the bed from here on out and everyone else has career ending injuries.
  9. Pretty sure that if he delcares, he will be available somewhere between rounds 3 and 5, and no matter where the Bills pick, he won't be an option for them. I wouldn't count on him declaring or the Bills drafting a QB in the first three rounds in 2014. The Bills are probably going to be looking at the best LB available, inside or outside, or depending on what else is available, the best Safety.
  10. I don't know if anyone commented but at the time EJ was being introduced, most people were probably waiting for the 6 security people at each gate wanding down the 10,000 people trying to enter. Don't blame it on morons waiting till 12:45 waiting to get in, i was in line well before 12:15 and I didn't get to my seat till at least about 1:10. The Bills front office and security were again grossly unprepared to handle the Home Opener. They staff for late December and don't take into account the thousands of hammered Canadians ruining a good time by actual Bills fans. I don't think it's necessary to get into line at 11:00am just to hope to get into the stadium for a 1pm game. Oh, and I don't know where little Bucky was sitting, probably not even at the stadium, but it was pretty damn loud most of the game.
  11. Post of the day/week/year! Obviously did more research than the OP.
  12. I'm hoping he has to just return ONE kick all day. Even if its a touchback, who cares.
  13. Just put the letters FLUTIE over LEINART and you will look like most of the other tools showing up at the Ralph next week
  14. He also played an awesome role in the movie 1941 and a pretty good role in the kids movie The Apple Dumpling Gang. His role in 1941, Hollis Wood, was probably the second best part of that movie.
  15. Thanks NDBuffCuse and Meatloaf. I would have preferred the 3rd pick because, one, I don't have to wait so long to pick again and two, the obvious picks are off the board and it's completely open. AP it will be, unless something happens between now and draft day on Labor Day.
  16. I have the 1st pick in a 10 team, snake draft, head to head, non-keeper league. I am thinking AP is the obvious pick but there is no way he puts up numbers like last year. The division teams have gotten a bit better on D and their schedule doesn't look overly promising for AP to put up huge numbers. My dilemma is that who is next on the list? I am seriously thinking about Spiller #1 overall, considering some of the training camp comments and his overall ability to touch the ball 25+ times per game. Does anyone have any advice? Running Backs tend to go early and often and it will be slim pickens (not the actor) when pick 20 and 21 roll around. Thanks
  17. I was probably only in 1st grade, in Tonawanda, when that was being built so I honestly have no idea what OP was like back then but looking at the aerial view in the opening of the video tells me that Orchard Park was nothing more than a cow town. There is absolutely nothing around from what I could see. It's amazing to me how much that area has built up from what I've seen on my trips up there recently. Great Find!
  18. Appears that way....Pack the SH*T up and go home. Why even bother playing out the season. Preseason game 1 with a new Coach, new GM, new President and basically new everything across the board except for probably the guy that cleans out the shitters, is new. All new except for the same ole moronic fans that feel that they should dissect each and every play of a PreSeason game and decide that all is lost. Idiots out there for sure.
  19. It was probably Joe B. from GR calling Murph, using a disguised name and voice. He doesn't like EJ and sounds very Sullivanesque when he talks about him. He will say something positive and then immediately follow it with a drawn out negative comment on anything he can come up with on EJ. I think he's just trying to back his draft day rant, and every day since, that he thought EJ was nothing better than a 4th round pick and that the bills should have taken Barkley or Nassib in the 1st.
  20. First off, welcome to the board. Long time lurker here myself, though I do post here and there. I have to give your dad a lot of credit for instilling something with you that both of you can share laughs and tears over. Being a longtime Bills fan with kids 9 and 7, I am in the same boat as your dad was over a decade ago. I am in the process of trying to get my kids to really get into watching the Bills games. We live in Florida and my biggest fear is having them become a fan of one the FL teams, though I seriously doubt it will happen. Both my kids went to their first game in Buffalo last year for the preseason thriller against the Skins. They were pretty bored with the game itself but they both loved the atmosphere with tailgating and in the stadium. Anyway, I have to ask, was there any one thing that really turned you onto becoming a fan or would you say that it was just something that you saw your dad so involved in that you wanted to be part of it too?
  21. Why So Serious? Comment of the Century: Quote fireeyes111 says:Jul 30, 2013 3:16 PM Trust me, no one is concerned about Marrone being rattled by the local media (or what passes for media in Buffalo). The local reporting crew, excepting a choice few, are well-known to be vapid, self-important know-it-alls who’ve made a living bashing the local sports teams from any angle they can find. Negativity is what sells in a town with historically bad teams, and they go far out of their way to be as negative as possible. Not even the fans in Buffalo like them, save the fatalistic, mouth-breathing whackos who call the WGR Whiner Line. This pretty says it all about the Buffalo (local) media. Sullivan and Maiorana lead the way and the rest of the wanna be irritating "writers" goosestep right behind them. I guess without a real journalist to look up to, these guys tend to follow right behind the likes of someone like Sullivan, who seems to have an axe to grind with everyone. It's unfortunate because a couple of them used to be pretty decent early on with their journalism but have strayed drastically over the last year or so.
  22. I have to agree with not worrying about the Ravens here. They are still a good team but it isn't their passing game that worries me, it's some guy named Rice that we need to worry about and that won't involve Gilmore to much.
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