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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. Is it my imagination or did the Jests pick look like Sideshow Bob?
  2. I have a feeling it's a smoke screen to get someone else to step up and take Petty earlier and have Grayson fall to the Bills.
  3. I honestly don't think I've seen more than 5 minutes of Sunday night football over the last 4-5 years, unless the Bills were on, but I don't recall them being on in a long time. It's bad enough seeing the Giants, Cowboys, Patriots and Broncos on most of the 4 o'clock games. I would rather watch reruns of Modern Family than SNF.
  4. Just a side note. I didn't read the entire reply thread but Rex has been known to utilize extra safeties "in the box" to add better coverage options as opposed to going with a standard 4-3 or 3-4 look with linemen and linebackers. Having 2 every down backers in Brown and Bradham is probably going to be the norm with the 4 down lineman and a "big" safety playing in the box covering the TE, RB or Slot receiver. The other 4 will be a combination of 3 corners and another safety or two and two. Please stop getting caught up in the basic defense crap, it won't exist and really hasn't for years.
  5. This. Joe B. Seemed to have an axe to grind with the Bills as time went on and he appeared to take on Schopp's attitude style this past season. I like Sal and would expect that he brings a new and enlightening perspective than what we've had to endure with the always bitter Joe B. This is a huge upgrade by GR and a move that should have happened regardless.
  6. Who really cares. After, in the words of Jake Taylor, "win the whole f*cking thing", I don't think anyone of us would give a rats ass how much cap room we have or don't have.
  7. CBS is still lousy to watch the NFL. Their audio sucks balls and I think they have one guy running all over the stadium trying to get a decent camera angle. They have very few replays because they don't have nearly enough cameras to cover everything going on -on the field. I am surprised how long the NFL has let this happen without any upgrade to their product.
  8. Thank you Terry Warbucks for finally giving this fanbase something it's never had.....Deep Pockets I'm not saying Ralph never ponied up but the up front cash was always a sticking point and a hindrance overall ever since Free Agency started back in the nineties. Good ole Ralph had enough cash on hand to swing a big deal here and there but nothing like what we've seen this spring.
  9. Just cut him. Some of you people get way to attached to these players (see Fred Jackson). They could care less about the fans. Just cut Hogan and move on.
  10. In reference to the OP's question...Yes. This is a new era that we are starting for this team. No longer do we sit back and say "I like so and so because he's been here for (x) years" and expect that guy to stay on the team because he's liked by the community. It's time to Shat or get off the pot. This team is in a position that it has never been. It's time to say thanks for your service but we are going to get better now. It's time to get mean and nasty and if you want to curl up on your bed with your Alonso, Chandler or Spiller jerseys and cry about all those years that this team sucked horse junk, it might be time to find a new team. Every move this team has made so far has a purpose....to WIN. Embrace the changes that we are seeing and say goodbye to the shitstorm we have endured for most of our lifetimes. Go Bills and let's move forward, be the bullies and WIN!
  11. THIS Willis was a very good, if not great player BUT he was not a game changer. He wasn't the type of player to change the course of a game week in and week out. I am sure teams gameplanned for him but not around him like they did for Urlacher and those like him. The Hall of Fame should be reserved for special people that set themselves above the rest, that had a long lasting impact on the game and were the very best at their position for their career. (See Tasker) I liked Willis but the HOF standards should be set a little higher than what he did.
  12. Good point, 12 Meows. A new world record!
  13. Classic. 10 is really hard, 11 is amazing and he had #12 teed up but missed it just before he got the 11th one.
  14. Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car, operate heavy machinery or start a thread on a message board, and obviously may have caused mental problems.
  15. Good Lord I hope you are kidding, though I could see "ham" being someone from the front office. I would guess by the timeline that "crayonz" disappeared falls in line with the Buddy era officially dissolving. Was Buddy really Crayonz? We will never know.
  16. The same roster that has sucked the last 15 years. The time for change is now. Hop on, hop off, the choice is yours.
  17. Sounds like it's time that you become a Jets fan. Lord knows they have been doing everything right for years now.
  18. Definitely not a dude! Hell Yes!
  19. I'm guessing he's the one that said something about Polian
  20. Never going to happen regardless what kind of stadium is built. Buffalo does not have the basic infrastructure to host a Super Bowl. Jacksonville hosted their first and probably last Super Bowl several years ago and it was a failure. Jacksonville is a fairly good size city with tons of hotels both in town and beachside and they still had to bring in cruise ships to house the media and fans. I can't picture Carnival or Norweigan Cruise Lines chugging down the St. Lawrence to try and find a spot along the Niagara to tie off and set up shop for the thousands of people looking for a room for the week.
  21. If the labor unions ever agreed, sure, but there is no way that in this country it would ever fly.
  22. This is like watching a jauron coached game, play not to lose
  23. I always think that listening to the song "Billy Don't be a Hero" led me to be a fan of some of the great storytellers such as: Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce and The Great Harry Chapin. Also a big fan of the works of Don MacLean and Neil Diamond. Elton John, Phil Collins, Billy Joel and Meat Loaf had a way to express their experiences through a song also. The list is long on the great ones but Chapin, Croce and Lightfoot belong in the elite status.
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