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Everything posted by blitzboy54

  1. I remember this. It was obviously scary to the passengers that witnessed it but the weird part is you can’t physically open a pressurized aircraft door at altitude. It takes thousands of pounds of force.
  2. Honestly the greatest thing to happen on Sunday. Just awesome
  3. The only person that should be fired is the OP of this dumbass thread.
  4. Single dumbest part of all of this was to not move the team to a hotel up north on Friday. Could have flown out of Rochester. Just mind numbing in its lack of foresight it’s less than 30 minutes
  5. The title of the thread not withstanding it is perfectly appropriate to be confused by a fully cleared player, particularly a super star in a position of need, to simply not play. There is something going on. They didn't have to pull him off IR when they did. Something isn't right and it's normal for the fanbase to be concerned.
  6. Because is a well documented piece of human garbage. Every opportunity he has ever had not to be the worlds biggest A hole he has not so politely passed. The story's are endless.
  7. I'm not picking on you but this take is wrong. It does matter. McD will not play our 2nd round pick because of fumbles but Singletary has the 2nd highest fumble rate in the league. He has lost very few of them but that is largely luck. I need to see Cook on the field or someone else. Singletary is a liability. My problem with McD here is his process is BS. He is more concerned with the outcome than the process.
  8. My only concern is McD being a meathead about using him. Lets go
  9. If it was Allen that got hurt this board would be exactly the same, at least in some quarters. While as fan bases I think ours is better Mets not pretend we are above it
  10. We have a Viking, Colossus, Super Man for a quarterback. I think this favors us. We will be able to throw more effectively than they will
  11. Not last night. They effed up, it was CBS radio for over an hour after the game. I used my laptop, this must be different than the app because I was able to pick it up. They wouldn't respond to twitter last night. Poor performance as usual whoever manages this stuff.
  12. BURN IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I honestly think the Bills earned every bit of it. People don't like accountability but that is what it looks like.
  14. I'm not entirely sure that’s a defense that holds up. It’s not apples to apples but you can’t claim you didn’t know the speed limit was 35 as a defense for driving 50 even if it’s true. Rob Lowe picked up two girls in a bar and brought them back to a hotel assuming they were at least 21. Turned out they were 16, he went to jail.
  15. police report, you know the one where the deceive was on the other line? “
  16. the police report said she said she was in high school, he then gave her a drink and took her out back. What part of this is sitting well with you?
  17. Statistically speaking they rarely if ever do. The blow back is viscous. Women are mostly punished either way. That this is your attitude means you are most likely a creep.
  18. I admit it. I was President of the 'we drafted the wrong Josh" club. Never been happier to be that wrong.
  19. It's honestly weird how long people are on the air at WGR. Most sports talk radio turn over. He seems like a nice guy Howard has been mailing it in for a while. Jeremy is the only interesting listen on that network IMO. Mike doesn't even like sports, he likes sports gambling and fantasy. They need some fresh talent
  20. yup ****ing infomercial for the second half
  21. Technically Kyle played in a playoff game. He's not technically a drought play BUT one of my all time favorites and should be a wall of famer.
  22. I hope he retires a Bill. He, Stevie, Moorman and Fred are my all time favorite drought players.
  23. My issue is this - We gave Billionaire owners $850,000,000 of OUR money to build THEIR stadium, now they want PSL money and that is "understandable"? Bull****, I gave at the office. I donated to the cause every paycheck. They can take their PSL's and stick them in their nether regions.
  24. If they called it we loose the game in regulation. His TD was what allowed us to go down the field and leave only 13 seconds on the clock. Obviously if it were not for the biggest coaching choke in franchise history we would all still be hung over from the SB party but I digress
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