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Everything posted by blitzboy54

  1. If Trump was right it will be the first time he has ever been right about anything!!!! Imagine that, the first time that clown is right it will be about the Bills being doomed. lol
  2. Sounds like Peterman is going to start against KC Y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man as coconut BIG coconuts. I either love it or am terrified. I can''t decide
  3. I find Mike and Mike un listenable. Everything is a giant commercial right before they take huge 8 minute commercial breaks after less than 10 minutes of broadcast. I find their takes boring and vanilla. It's all very very bad
  4. OK, just for the record. There is not nor has there ever been an expression (or figure of speech) that "the inmates are running the prison". He bastardized the phrase "inmates running the asylum" It's not a huge difference except in the context of a meeting about social justice and race, it implies he sees the employees as property or prisoners. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the leagues players are mostly black and that community is subject to much higher rates of incarceration than white people. This is the exact point of the protests to begin with. The reason that matters is Asylum implies crazy, this does not have a racial component to it as mental health care basically sucks for everyone. Prison does. Now if he had said it correctly nobody bats an eyelash. It does have a Freudian slip feel to it.
  5. Everyone on this board that responded to this clown just got trolled.
  6. I quit Facebook 5 years ago and have never regretted it even once. My life is actually a tiny bit better because of it. That's not the issue. I don't care what the Government monitors or doesn't. I am far more concerned my employer sees something they don't like then fires me for it. That is a very real "big brother" issue. Also people generally suck and will say things on there they would never dream of in person. It's a horrible horrible place.
  7. I know what you say in public. That is all anyone knows. You made the comment, Look at the responses to it. It wasn't clever or couched.
  8. You probably don't even know what a racist prick this post makes you sound. Holy hell, your right ALL black people are exactly the same. How about we blame you for Charlottesville cuz all white people are angry neo nazi's. Of course it did, It absolutely did. What planet do you live on? There is literally no other common thread, being an apologist for racist behavior is in itself racist behavior
  9. I just finished cleaning off my computer from the afternoon coffee I literally spit out when I read the highlighted bit. The guy next to me thought I was choking. So very very funny Thank you
  10. He ended the mans life, it's criminal. He was "jumpy" because he assumes anyone not white is threat. You can thank local and Fox news for that. This happens over and over again. Like the black kid in Walmart walking around with a pellet gun IN A BOX, he got off the shelf their because he planned to buy it. Some redneck calls 911 and says he's waving it around. Cops charge in like a bunch of thugs and shoot him without warning. Never mind that Ohio is an open carry state. Which has proven to mean open carry for whites only. My neigbor is a cop and a really good person, but I have said it to him, until the good cops stop closing ranks around the bad ones, they are all culpable. God bless everything about this post. Well done my friend Same, I said this on a different forum. As a former Marine in my experience nobody fights for the flag or freedom. We take an oath and we mean it, but at the end of the day you fight for the man next to you. For me it always boiled down to that. You lead, you follow you go into harms way, you stay on watch in the rain with zero sleep because the man next to you will do the same
  11. The !@#$ it isn't. A white guy who says racism isn't real. Weird No, no he isn't. But for some reason republicans refuse to take his word on that? I've never been able to put my finger on what it was about him that was different than other presidents. Maybe it was the tan suit. It's a mystery
  12. LOUD NOISES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. This is the part I feel like people intentionally miss. He't not protesting for himself. He protesting for the people without a voice.
  14. I hear you, I was a Marine and get that part. But one has nothing to do with the other. My problem is the selective outrage. Telling people not to "disrespect the flag" ends up being just another vehicle to shout people of color down. They have a legitimate grip, one I support fully. They are treated differently than those of us that are white. I say selective because in order to shut down decent "we" say it's disrespectful to the country and our troops. Welp, I can go to Wal Mart and buy a pair of star spangled boxers and a 30 pack of flag covered Budweiser. I mean I know nothing says I love my country more than sweat stains all over the stars and stripes from peoples nether regions. Or the drunk dude pissing in the sink in the bathroom during the anthem. I fully support what they are doing because the cause in my opinion is just. That's why I chose to serve. To defend those that need it. That is not why everyone does. Just like white people or brown people Veterans are not a monolithic group. My point is simply that we should remove the hyperbole Simply have the the discussion at hand. I think it takes a lot of guts to do what Kapernick did. He had a lot to loose and he lost it. He can be wrong and everyone has a right to agree or not. But this issue is not going to go away.
  15. . Don't be dense. He and his wife have openly acknowledged it. He said he cheated shortly after his wedding night. Jim Kelly and 90's Bills partying is legendary.
  16. There is nothing about this post I don't 100% agree with. He found religion after he did everything he wanted. My other problem is where's were his deap religious beliefs when Trump claimed Obama wasn't a Christian? Values aren't supposed to be fungible.
  17. . Who's we? I like what he has to say. I'm not going anywhere. Also, he isn't claiming he is discriminated against. His salary is irrelevant. He is sticking up for "McDonald " employees or anyone else that is discriminated against. Like others here have said. If simply pointing out support for equality puts you i a rage it's probably not him.
  18. That would be super great. Then only message board clowns and twitter trolls get to have opinions on stuff.
  19. Good for him. I think he is right and I support him 100%.
  20. Same, Tim Graham made me a believer. I paid for the BN for 6-7 months. The day Bucky called me and my family losers and then refused to apologize for making it personal I quit. I actually WANT to pay for the BN. But until Gleason apologizes in print I'm done. I will hold that grudge forever. The BN made the tank more controversial than it needed to be. They made a business model out of attackig the fan base and doing everything possible to turn them against each other. When I get an apology they get a subscription. ... in the mean time I don't poach it, I just listen to the TG show podcast and live without.
  21. Right but it's a monopoly and people have no choice. Just like you only get your water from a single source.
  22. No, 99% of all pier reviewed science says it's real. The debate is how much it will change the planet not "if" it will.
  23. I had line of site issues for years. I finally got it last summer. I was super pleased right up until I discovered yesterday my 2 year agreement only included 1 year of the price. Everything goes up 70 percent in August. I am livid. I plan to cancel late July. They can Eff off on the early termination fee as well. I can drag that out a year. Eventually pay pennies on the dollar when it goes to collection. Why can't any of these scumbag corporations do an honest business? I'm sure it was in the contract but I am also sure it was hard to find and deceptively written.
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