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Everything posted by blitzboy54

  1. This is exacerbated by the fact that the traded up for him. They gave up picks to go up. These guys spend draft picks like Whaley. Very few guys are worth multiple picks. It's disconcerting.
  2. Honestly I've wondered this myself. They loyalty shown is so over the top I wonder if religion plays a role.
  3. Of course it does. Most dogs are friendly, all dogs that are trained to fight are abused. If you are mean enough to anything they become something different. Just because not everyone becomes a murderer doesn't mean it doesn't have an impact. And acknowledging past abuse doesn't excuse it. He can have a reason and not have an excuse. Both can be true
  4. Captian Marvel was always a female. It would be weird if she was a guy
  5. It wont let me edit by the Hampton Inn in East Aurora is only 12 minutes from the stadium. I've stayed there a few times
  6. This seems correct. Lots of gold teeth/Kid Rock types. I found it pretty gross
  7. She got pistol whipped. I don't care what her lifestyle is. If had anything to do with it he should be gone
  8. Worst game I actually attended was NY Giants in 2007 at the Ralph. It started as a driving rain and ended in snow. We they had 3 running backs go over 100 yards on us. it was humiliating and so god awful wet and cold. The giants used that game to spring board the rest of their season and ended up in the SB. I remember people standing in 6 inches of water while it snowed. It was vicious weather and a humiliating loss.
  9. I'm still waiting for him to apologize for calling me and my family loser's
  10. That’s it, after that I’m getting a Fitz jersey, Hell I might get a Fitz tattoo.
  11. That's irrelevant So has everyone else. He's not convicted. Your point was it's not news. My point is yes it is.
  12. I haven't make my mind up about anything. I know as much as you. But, and indictment is not "nothing" its sufficient evidence to bring charges. I have no dog in the fight but it's beyond weird that the Lions didn't find it. It was not hidden and he has a high profile job that invites scrutiny. Also, Railing against the Media, Liberals or whoever as a setup or bias is doing exactly what you are yelling at me about. You made up your mind there is nothing to it and that is that. The charge is literally "SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD". So stop Again I know as much as everyone else but her being 21 is not evidence it didn't happen. She could have been 16 and reported it as an adult. It doesn't matter. Whatever happened happened but an indictment is a real thing and news worthy. It just is
  13. Because it's his job and shame on the Lions for not finding it? I mean what part of "sexual assault of a minor" is not news worthy? No part of this statement is true
  14. We not only would have gone to Super Bowls we would have won them. It's not a popular opinion especially considering Kelly's health but Marino was better.
  15. I don’t need anymore state run Media. Pegs owning a radio station sounds awful. Wall to wall John Murphy. Child please
  16. The thing about it is Mayfield was every teams QB1. It's pretty arrogant of the Pats and Pats people to simply say "we were going to go get him".. First they didn't have the horsepower we did. They could at best drive up the price but ultimately could not outbid us for him. Period
  17. You should start a new thread and label it "victory lap" seriously, do it
  18. Allen and Cam
  19. I don't care about his tweets
  20. That's disingenuous. Nobody had Brady. All the previous examples were guys who the boards largely wanted. Research isn't hard to come by. We all watched the tape Homer on Homer
  21. Why, he's not wrong. Don't forget TJ Graham over Russel Wilson. I was literally screaming at the TV when we traded up "it has to be Wilson" and it wasn't TRADED UP
  22. As a former Marine who has at one time in my life been trained to end human life with my bare hands if necessary I have always thought it was nearly impossible to offend me. I have believed this most of my life. I was wrong as it turns out. Being called a “snowflake” makes me literally want to rip someone’s candy ass over privileged still beating heart out of their pampered chest and eat it. Weird
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