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Kanye 4 President 2020

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Everything posted by Kanye 4 President 2020

  1. Yeezy lost 9 million followers on twitter today... so the gloves are off.
  2. We have 160 positions to fill by the end of the year. Yeezy will hit a billion dollars this year. It is the 2nd fastest growing company in history. It is a unicorn on its way to becoming a decacorn.
  3. there's been a lot of fake news so I just wanted to give you the facts. Yeezy will become the biggest apparel company in human history by working with the most genius level talents and creating product at an affordable price. I hired the head of supply chain from the Gap.
  4. I am this generations Ford Hughes Jobs Disney.
  5. when we become president we have to change the name of the plane from Air Force one to Yeezy force one!
  6. If your friend jumps off the bridge you don't have to do the same. Ye being Ye is a fight for you to be you. For people In my life the idea of Trump is pretty much a 50 50 split but I don't tell a Hillary supporter not to support Hillary. I love Hillary too.
  7. I'm all the way out the sunken place. And I'm not scared anymore. I'm not scared of the media. I'm not scared of the past and I'm optimistic about the future. This post is in love not fear.
  8. You don't know 'cause you don't have this dragon energy.
  9. President Yeezy will not forget your kind words when the purge comes...
  10. We need scientists and top world designers to directly affect governments. There are so many broken systems from the economy to school systems jail systems... we need experts for this... My area of expertise is in music, my passion is in music design film and products... my strength is connectivity... I invest every dime back into creativity... hiring amazing creatives paying for flights, offices ... etc... I know this is not a very rapper thing to say but I haven't bought a new piece of jewelry in about 2 years... #yeezy2020 I hate when I'm on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle. So imagine how I'd feel having to be responsible for Trump's stupid ass. HARD PASS.
  11. Yeezy's campaign has no comment at this time. On an unrelated note, if anyone knows Mark Zuckerberg's home address give me a shout.
  12. Go to :37 for the relevant section but it's all good.
  13. Good Will Damon needs to make amends by donating to my super PAC. #Yeezy2020 http://www.yeezus2020.com/
  14. My super PAC is up and running. All dem fools who think I'm joking better check out my first campaign video. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/15/kanye-s-super-pac-drops-yeezus-2020-vids.html
  15. A man should only smile once every other month. Smiling more than that creates pussification. We don't need another kitty in the white house. We need a real man and no one is more man than Yeezy, believe that. The campaign just picked up its second celebrity endorsement: " I think it's fantastic," Baldwin told Cosmo. "I think anybody participating in politics, running -- it's too elitist now, too many elites. Even though Kanye himself is an elite, he's a different kind of elite." #Kanye2020
  16. "I know she like chocolate men She got more niggas off than Cochran." ... And the B word still married me. No one does anything better than Yeezy, not even misogyny. #Yeezy2020
  17. The choice is easy, vote for Yeezy. http://yeezusforpresident2020.org/
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