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Everything posted by HuSeYiN_NYC

  1. I may not know much about how the NFL hiring works. But i believe in the years I've watched football, the HC usually puts his own staff together to fit his scheme. Pegula cant just hand pick who he wants as DC or OC or ST coach once he hires the HC. I mean, he CAN, but it usually doesn't work like that.
  2. I dont care what they do honestly. Im still gonna continue to watch the team play on Sundays whether we keep rex or not. Just not going to be emotionally invested in the Buffalo Bills. But if i had to choose from one of the options, I'd go with fire him. I hate the fact that he basically brought the New Jersey Jets coaching staff to Buffalo and expected a different result. If he gets rid of Dennis Thurman (which we know he wont) then im on board to having him stay. Dennis Thurman just looks like he constantly smells doo doo. Has a stank face and a stank attitude all the time for no damn reason.
  3. I ended up here by google searching world record paragraph.
  4. You should only call yourself fixxer if you can make those things you talked about come to light. Those are great points you came up with. For now I'll call you Prescriptionist.
  5. Is he better than Goodwin? I think 80% of wide recivers who dress up for Sunday is better than Goodwin. So that's a upgrade there. Is he better than Woods? Dont think so. Picking him up (as little an upgrade it would be) would still be an upgrade.
  6. Would you REALLY be ok losing to the Browns? Honestly.
  7. Im surprised Sammy even answered the question by talking about the same topic in the question. A usual interview with Sammy usually goes something like this: Reporter: Hey Sammy so how's the foot? Does it still hurt after practice? Sammy: You know, it's a mental game and i need to overcome the mental aspect and I'll be fine. R: But is the foot feeling ok? S: You know ummm, like i said. Once i overcome the mental hurdle i should be ok. Everybody just needs to do their job. R: How do you feel you did on Sunday? S: You know my leg felt good ummmm. I feel like i got over the mental hurdle and now i can just play. R: So would you say that you're 100%? S: ummmmm, you just gotta stay in the playbook and study hard and i think we had a good week of practice.
  8. Carpenter is bad. And not Michael Jackson bad.
  9. He was quoting EJ fans. Not him saying it for himself. Ka peesh?
  10. I dont post much but i DO read a lot of the posts when i have time. I HAVE noticed that the negativity some fans bring to this board have less to do with the type of person they are and more about their frustration with the franchise. Im more of a, root my team even when they suck kinda guy and i ALWAYS watch the games believing that we can win. On the other hand, i also understand why someone WOULDN'T go in to watching a game, thinking the same way i do and it's not my place to judge. Im frustrated too. Fans of other teams start preparing gathering for their upcoming playoff games every year. Im at a point where i want to get in the playoffs and that's IT. They can forfeit the playoff game after that if they want. I dont care. Im just tired of having the longest playoff drought in football history. As far as the topic at hand, it DOES get a bit annoying with the negativity posts but for me personally, ONLY on the gameday threads. I feel like if you're gonna be nothing BUT negative on a gameday thread, just get off the website. These are people watching the game live and posting as soon as they see something they like or dont like. They need to feel surrounded by people who think and feel the same way about their team and support each other, not make them feel worse. Im not trying to say you CANT be negative at times cuz its very understandable. But just like another poster said, there are a few people (without naming names) who are just ALWAYS negative. My question is, is why are you even here? My guess would be that it's their way of letting their emotions out knowing some poor schmuck will give them a moment of their time. Kind of like an internet therapy session. It's a freakin game. A sport. Entertainment. This isnt your life. The Bills dont pay your mortgage (unless you rent out your backyard for parking on gamedays lol). A guy i used to be very close with in my 20s died last week. THAT'S reality. The Buffalo Bills shouldn't change the way you live your life. I learned from experience because i USED to be THAT guy. If the Bills lost on Sunday, i wouldnt really feel happy on mondays and sometimes all the way til wednesday. It's crazy. So i understand why people feel the way they feel. Its a damn feeling lol. But i never brought negativity into anybodys mind just because i wasnt feeling right. But that's me. I guess people will calm down with time.
  11. The question we need to ask ourselves is this. If Tyrod wasn't our QB and was on the opposing team's roster on Sunday, would you be afraid to go against him? My answer is, with this defensive scheme, yes. I like Tyrod, but i think he sucks being on the Bills. He had one good showing on Monday night vs. the Seahwaks which made me think wow, we actually might have something at QB finally, then he just goes back to mediocre Tyrod. I said a week ago i believe that im stuck in the worst position to be in as a fan just like the majority of Bills fans. Im forced to root for a guy i dont believe in to win us ball games. Sucks big time.
  12. It's cuz they know what ej brings to the table (which is nothing) and since Cardale is #3 on the depth chart, nobody wants Tyrod benched for EJ. Simple really.
  13. Idk about the playoffs but i DO know that im starting to love Lorenzo Alexander more than i already have. Him calling other players out on the team (not specific names) and calling the Bills an average team believe it or not earned my respect. I been looking everywhere for his audio or video clip of the post game comments but can't find it. Can anyone post it if you know please? Im still watching the games. Im glad we made it to December finally in a meaningful game, playoff chances dont look good but im going with a hey you never know approach and like the OP said, it starts with the Steelers. If we lose, we're for sure out the playoff hunt i believe but I'll still continue to watch. I also want to see what Rex will do with the QB situation IF we're mathematically out the playoffs. I wonder if he'll put Cardale in. Side note: i really enjoy the questions that the media asks Rex during postgame interviews and mid week interviews this year. They ask alot of the questions that we as fans ask and i really like that about this year.
  14. I just dont understand why he cant locate open receivers. Is it his height? Drew Brees can do it. Russell Wilson can do it. So it can't be his height. He gets happy feet too soon which is why it looks like he holds the ball too long at times (which he DOES do don't get me wrong). But if would just be able to locate wide open receivers we wouldn't be in this situation. There are QBs who thread the needle as they say and win games. Tyrod can't even see wide open receivers. I was always on the fence with Tyrod. I loved his athleticism and his ability to extend plays with his feet, but I'm over it now. I can officially say I'm done with him. Im ready to move on. I dislike EJ alot so i guess the only choice im left with is Cardale. But we all know that's not gonna happen this year at least so now im stuck in a weird position. I have to watch a QB and root for him when i know he's not the answer to our problems. Really sucks to be a Bills fan right now.
  15. Tyrod clock in his head is broken. Anyone got a battery for this guy?
  16. Why does everything have to suck at the same time with the Bills? Ok u had bad offense, but why does it follow up with a bad punt?
  17. I feel like we should have been up by 2 scores right now.
  18. Would the Bills have been able to what the Raiders just did? I think not.
  19. What a nice drive just to get happy feet at the end.
  20. So when u watch the Bills games and we get a 1st down, do u get mad? When the opponent scores a TD, do u get happy? Edit: nevermind. I realized you're just trying to make something out of a boring Saturday with this post. Im out.
  21. I saw Kujo in a couple plays last game. Why are we not puttin him at RT? Why is it that the fans can see such an OBVIOUS weakness on the RT position and then the coaches say that the RT is doing a decent job? I never understood this. I wouldn't want to move Glenn but if Kujo is SO much better at LT than RT, why can't we try it for a series or two? Put Kujo at left and Glenn at right. I understand RTs don't get paid LT money, but shìt, we're already paying him, so we can put him wherever we want.
  22. Without going in too deep of a thought of why Tyrod this and why Tyrod that, the simple answer is, Tyrod hates tight ends (there's a sex joke here somewhere).
  23. This shìt always happens to me with Watkins. Whenever he's injured i say to myself, we can win with the receivers we have. Then when i see him in video after injury doing workouts and drills i say, i want Watkins out there NOW. Im actually very pleased with the twitter video. That slip had me worried though i cant lie lol.
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