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Everything posted by HuSeYiN_NYC

  1. Makes sense to me now why they call him T Mobile. The reception stats suck.
  2. I liked when he said everybody is different. We were all raised by different mothers. I have a feeling his momma was just like my momma. No nonsense. Get good grades, be home for supper, treat people right and respect your elders. Or its whoopin season. I can tell why the players would respect A Lynn when he talks. You can never really know somebody especially their intentions but from all the videos I've seen of Lynn, he seems VERY honest, humble and just a straight up guy. He probably also doesn't like clowns so that's a plus.
  3. They better tell Tyrod to stay home then. What if Tyrod slips and breaks something jogging to the sideline?
  4. I know right? I was reading and im like, damn, this reporter just asked him that, and Dareus must have had a sarcastic face while answering him in the exact words he did the previous time. Then they had a battle and the reporter asked him again and Dareus replied with the SAME answer word for word. Dareus won that interview.
  5. Dareus' thoughts on Rex being fired does nothing for me. Ask Kyle, ask Zach Brown, and Lorenzo Alexander. Guys who actually took the season seriously on defense. It just reminds me of the Dave Chappelle stand up where he was saying how when 9/11 happened, mtv was like, "we have Jah Rule on the line, jah, what can you make of the sad situation in ny?" and Chappelle was like, "nobody cares what Jah has to say. You think i be in a crisis situation and i say, oh my God, what would jah rule do in this situation? Where is jah?" Lol But i must say, it WAS interesting how (without naming names) he said the defense was too complex for some players. Hmmmmm
  6. After watching it, i agree with how you saw it. Total chest bump. Not his fault he had a helmet on while he did it. The rule says you can't take off your helmet or you get flagged so, good job Hughes.
  7. I'm definitely old enough but didnt really get into football until maybe 13 to 14 years ago (and would only watch Bills games). Im not an NFL fan. Just a Bills fan. After Sunday, i will not watch football til september again (minus the Superbowl)
  8. The best part of being a Bills fan with Rex as the head coach is, we got to watch the circus perform 16 times in a year. My favorite side show for the year was that guy, what did they call him? Oh yeah, the cornerback who's afraid to tackle. He's marvelous at his craft. I never seen a cornerback that scared before. It was fun to watch.
  9. Does he look closer than he appears?
  10. I feel like Jerry Hughes is doing a life bid in jail. What happened to Jerry Hughes Rex? Free Jerry Hughes. (T-shirts will be on sale soon)
  11. Im not basing my opinion on Rex based on the video (even though he IS right about the majority of the points he brought up), but I'm just done with Rex. I know the whole "you need consistency with same coach to succeed" mentality but the truth is that Rex made this team worse than it was before he got here. Is the offense better since he got here? I'd say ummmmmm better in certain areas. The running game is definitely AMAZING I'll say that. But how much of that is because of Rex? I'd say not much. He turned a decent defense into something i can't stand watching. With Rex im more afraid of having the opposing team's offense in a 3rd a 43 (I'm not even exaggerating) situation than say a 3rd and 2. That says alot. Im just ready to move on. I'm not happy with Tyrod either but if there isn't anyone better than I'd rather him stay. Maybe with a decent QB coach we might see better QB play who knows? I was happy that he threw for over 300 yards with no interceptions against the Dolphins. 1st 300 yard passing game from a Bills QB in God Knows how long. I also wouldn't mind giving the kid Cardale a shot. He has a big body and is taller and maybe can see wide receivers getting open better than Tyrod does. It will come with growing pains im sure but at least it should be a better passing offense (can't get worse than it already is anyway). Point is, i don't want Rex for another year and i have a weird feeling that he won't be fired. I hope im wrong.
  12. In Carpenters case it usually goes east and west.
  13. Maybe he just missed them.
  14. No because he will retain the whole coaching staff minus Rex. Has to be someone not currently on the team (if a coaching change will even happen).
  15. Lets fùckin gooooooooooooooooo
  16. Is it a purge day today? I guess you can get away with murder today.
  17. Guess we need to start practicing tackling in practice. I hear its an important part of an NFL defense.
  18. If that isnt a soft defense, i dont know what is.
  19. Can't really say you're a Bills fan then huh? The reason i say that is because you follow a coach around the league. You're a Rex fan, not a Bills fan. A bills fan is a fan of the jersey (not literally although the jerseys ARE awesome). When a player or coach leaves the team, we dont become fans of whatever team they ended up in. We still follow the Bills. In reference to warfare, you betrayed the Jets and now come to us as an ally, but i see you as a spy and can betray is at any moment.
  20. So if Rex ends up coaching college football, what team will you then root for in the NFL? I'm a little confused to why out of all the great coaches in the league, you chose Rex as the one to love.
  21. He would of built a wall to keep all Patriot fans away from Buffalo.
  22. Im just posting here so i can watch the games and come back to my contents to read this list cuz it seems more simple to understand than other lists I've read. Thanks. Carry on.
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