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Everything posted by HuSeYiN_NYC

  1. So true and so sad and so funny all at the same time... This is why Bills fans understand mental issues better than anyone else... We are in touch with many emotions all at once...
  2. I feel you bruh... I just saw words and put together my own question and I replied with words and put together my own answer...
  3. It's not like McD can do to Daboll like he did with Frazier and decide to start calling the offensive plays on his own... He obviously has his trust in Daboll to do what he has to do. His job... What I DO know is nobody's job is safe... McDermott has proven to get rid of coaches who don't produce. As long as he stays with that mindset, we'll be ok... Pegulas and Beane are the only ones who McD needs to answer to so McD is the obvious leader... Every other coach is held accountable for whatever position they're being paid for... Why do I sound like Captain Obvious right now is the better question.
  4. That's around the same price DirecTV charges... As long as it's ground cable and doesn't rely on satellites, I'd say it's worth it...
  5. Will digital cable ever pick up Sunday Ticket? I'm so sick of DirecTv... The new Genie is horrendous and I only have DirecTV cuz I know the Sunday Ticket is only on that provider... I tried watching the games on a fire stick but it's not the same... Occasional buffering drives you insane... Does anybody know if and when the NFL will get out of whatever contract it has with DirecTV?
  6. I live in Queens N.Y. I can get to MetLife Stadium in like 30 minutes if I drive but I will NEVER drive there ever again... I almost got arrested a few years back cuz some Jets fan threw something on my Jeep which was only a year old... I got out the car and was looking and asking to fight ANYBODY who admitted to throwing it but nobody came forward... Ruined my mood for the rest of the day... If I do decide to go I'll just take the train there... Much quicker n cheaper honestly...
  7. Man I'm not as old as some of the folk round these parts but I'm old enough (born 1978) to know that players back in the day used to play through so much pain... This new breed of athletes is soft... Just yesterday i was recommended the AFC divisional playoff game by YouTube. Marino vs. Kelly in buffalo... Man. I can't begin to tell you how many late hits and helmet to helmet contact I seen in just 13 minutes of highlights. Sheesh... I get it... we dont want people getting hurt or even worse, suffering long term health issues but it's becoming a bit ridiculous with all the new rules... I'm of the group who thinks NFL players should get paid much more than they do currently since their careers are MUCH shorter than any of the other major American sports... Boxing is the only other sport besides NFL where your career can be over in a short time... Baseball players are allowed to be fat as long as they can hit a ball... Basketball players usually have longer careers also... Even if they have a short career, the money they make per year compared to an NFL player is no comparison... I'm not an exact crunch the numbers kind of guy but I'm pretty sure that the worst NBA player's contract compared to the worst NFL player's contract has to be a big difference.
  8. As long as McDermott keeps getting rid of coaches that don't adapt to the NFL and bring out the best in the players they're coaching, I'm on board... I was very worried that McD would be married to the coaches he handpicked but he's proved more than once that if coaches don't produce, they get replaced. I love that about him...
  9. Why did I read the OP's 1st paragraph in one breath and almost kill myself? This has nothing to do with correcting grammar or anything like that cuz God Knows I'm special ed when it comes to proper speaking. I'm just trying to figure out why I didn't pause when I was reading it. Yes he didn't put any commas for me to pause and take a breath but I have free will. I could of easily stopped, took a breath and kept reading. Instead I just read it all in one breath and almost killed myself... Am i Ron Burgundy? Edit: I went back and took a deep breath and it was actually not that difficult to read in one breath. I probably initially tried reading it with a half a breath... Side note: Shout out to me for adding no value to this thread...
  10. Them shorts look like the joints they used to have us wear in middle school... waaaaaaaaay above the knee... I'm born 78 so that way you have an idea around what year I'm talking bout... I really hope Allen is just moving super quick and the shorts went high as a result of it and not because they are knee high shorts...
  11. I personally won't be going to any away games cuz all I could afford was the home opener against the Bengals but I have a selfish request. I hope all of you who are deciding on which away game to go to, to choose the Dallas game. I want all of America to watch that game and barely see any Dallas fans in the stands lol...
  12. That's what i was getting at with the point... it's so bad that he out there slinging dimes... can't even do dubs at minimum...
  13. I used to sling dimes in the early 2000s... Damn... I knew Peterman was bad but i didn't think it would come down to this...
  14. As long as Castillo isn't teaching our players, we have a shot...
  15. https://twitter.com/KimPegula/status/1128325709687083008 I'm trash at this stuff too but here's the link
  16. There's not much that i respect of the Pats but them running up the score on teams is one that i DO respect... That's something I wish the Bills could do but we never seem to find a coach who keeps his foot on the gas pedal instead of pumping the brakes.... Take the Vikings game last season for example. The way we played on offense in the 1st half, we could of easily finished the game with 40+ points maybe even 50, but as soon as we got a comfortable lead, we called run plays only to kill clock and it worked but it easily could've been 3 and outs and put ourselves in a nail biter in the 4th quarter...
  17. A new one is these youngsters repeat words at the end of the sentence according to my daughter... They don't just say for example, "Oh he's mad". Instead they'll say, " Oh he MAD mad"... i guess like REALLY mad...
  18. I clicked on the last page to see if the OP changed his mind... I couldn't find any evidence of it and I'm not willing to go backwards to see if he did... Does anybody know?
  19. I like ranch better than blue cheese... Im not from Buffalo so i don't live by that code...
  20. Yeah i threw my Thomas jersey away... i wasn't too young when the Bills had their run (I'm born in 78) but I had a issue with Thurman saying negative things about Muslims on social media a while back so I stopped F'ing with him since then... Maybe he's not as ignorant anymore and has actually done research instead of feeding into the picture the media portrays of Islam but for me, 34 jerseys are a no go...
  21. I also 2nd this but I prefer to say it with a British accent... I kont...
  22. Sorry dad. I won't do it again i promise...
  23. Sure is... I know it's tricky for some people but I've mastered this thing. When I'm stepping on the gas, i just listen n pay attention to the road. When I bring the car to a stop, I glance at the phone and the light to change... Takes some practice but it pays off at the end...
  24. No need to panic... We'll be juuuuusssst fine...
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