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  1. Exactly... that’s even a better reason than the one I came up with as to why his body language is the way it is... I swear u can’t win with Bills fans sometimes... Almost to the point where they WANT to be depressed cuz they’re so used to it... Some are so quick to get rid of the best running back we’ve had since Freddy and now they’re losing their mind over Fosters body language and dropped passes in “practice”... Like we said, the same people are forgetting that this is the SAME person who stayed with Allen in the offseason to get better smh...
  2. Yeah somebody else brought it to my attention that he got cut after making the 53...that was my mistake as far as that information goes...
  3. U just being slick... where I was raised when we say “I’ll give u that” it just means I admit my mistake n I give u the credit for bringing fact to the table on the topic... I don’t waste time chit chatting with arrogant mofos... peace
  4. I’ll give u that... Either way, we’re talking about the same person who stayed in Buffalo after the season to get his game stronger are we not? He did everything right in the offseason and now after 3 “practices” people think he’s called it quits or something... It can be a hundred different reasons his body language is the way it is... maybe he got girl issues, maybe he’s going through emotional stress, depression, heat, who the Hell knows? Knowing coach, he’s very close to his players and I’m sure we’ll find out if it’s a cause for concern sooner rather than later... but nothing McClapClap said makes me think it’s over for Foster... My own personal opinion is the heat more than likely has him exhausted. But as I said, we don’t know for sure...
  5. Everybody really needs to chill out with the Foster thing... he got cut last year because he didn’t produce during camp... but when the games counted the boy showed up... we’ve been fans of players long enough to know that not every player balls during practice... Is it an interesting topic? Sure... Being blown way out of proportion? Absolutely... Relax y’all...
  6. Damn... Astro is old lol... I was expecting a cartoon dog... Defenses better watch for that Bulltinky audible.
  7. This is why I come to these forums. To see the feedback from you guys. Cuz idk who the hell this guy is...
  8. Reddit is the place to watch those preseason games live if it’s not shown Live on TV... I live in Queens N.Y. so I understand why I don’t get Bills games live every Sunday. But I never understood how people who live in Buffalo sometimes can’t view the game cuz it was “blacked out”... What kind of foolery is this?
  9. I had a Bledsoe bobble head the first year we picked him up... looked pretty realistic (while bobbling)
  10. I’m sure the Asian websites still have a few Ed Wang jerseys up for a good price...
  11. Hey so I ordered my tickets on StubHub for the home opener n I remember I could print the bar code before but this time around it wrote that the bar code will constantly be changing and to not print or screenshot it... Is this normal? Help...
  12. Supposedly it was held up for inspection and the dealer said that if somebody tried to order the same model that I did, that there’s a 6 month wait... Idk how much truth there is to that but I can tell you that I’m on the road everyday. I drive for a living and I’m yet to see a 2019 Toyota RAV4 xse hybrid anywhere... I see a lot of XLE models but not the XSE...
  13. Super excited to watch this defense... Ed Oliver with Hughes (will be super fun to watch as long as McDermott keeps Oliver on the right side of the line), Shaq Lawson playing for a new contract, media saying Trent Murphy looks disruptive (I will have to see it to believe it), the linebackers continuing to build connection (with new LBers drafted also), our cornerbacks continuing to shut down receivers and Hyde and Poyer (best safety duo in the league imo). Sheesh... Can’t wait...
  14. I have a handful of guesses of who from this forums it could of been...
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