I am a ten-year veteran lurker, first time poster. Not sure why this topic compelled me to join the forum except that I haven't seen the idea posted anywhere else...
The fans are concerned about our depth at tight end working out for Greg Roman's offense. We don't want to keep a middling tight end at the expense of a very good wideout like Hogan or Goodwin. What if we only keep three tight ends on the roster. Then in the game, when it's time for Roman to call a power running play that would typically use three TE/FBs instead just keep two TE/FBs on the field, and motion Sammy inside as the third blocker. Remember when Sammy blew up his opponent in blocking drills? I'm guessing that wasn't a unique occurrence. This leaves Clay, Felton and Sammy on the field together, allows for pass plays out of the same formation. Maybe as elite an athlete as Sammy is, he is just as good a blocker as Marqueis Gray or Chris Gragg
In a similar vein, don't be surprised if Corey Graham plays all summer at safety to learn the position and then when the announcers begin to call the Colts game, you hear them say "Rex opting for the veteran at cornerback. The Buffalo native in his ninth NFL season, Corey Graham, matches up outside with Andre Johnson."