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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. That's great and all about Shady; but he has been carrying the ball that way his entire career.
  2. Lol misery. Love company. Forgot to say we mer Kim Pegula at bar 716 last night. Her with my wife.
  3. We did it boys. My friends from Maryland all became fans today. Six of them. Thanks Bills. They were so impressed by the noise and the passion.
  4. The protesters are destroying their neighborhood / businesses. Here in Baltimore it was the rioters own neighborhoods they were destroying and mainly Asian businesses (in those areas) were SPECIFICALLY targeted. It also undermines any peaceful protests and rational arguments being done/made; the rioting on TV provides plenty of people with agendas with ALOT of ammunition. Rioters are a very small percentage of the Black population-- but they are by far the most visible in terms of news coverage. It's a bad look for legitimate grievances. I won't answer any more questions without a lawyer. After Sunday Sammy Watkins may be the #2 behind Robert Woods. Woods for 3 TDs. IMO
  5. There's no excuse for the riots or destructive behavior. It's not OK. It's hurting their image and their people more than anything else. There are, however, reasons it's happening though; and those reasons aren't because they're "animals". The only animal is a healthy Sammy Watkins on the football field.
  6. Man has got to feed his kids.Man does not need 3 Rolls in a 6 car garage backed up to a 120k golf membership green I hate that people in the ghetto buy too many rolls royce cars. It's like if you can't feed your kids just cancel your golf membership. Duh. Sammy Watkins. But really....is that what you think is going on in the hood? Lol.
  7. Well he has a badge. Show some respect. Leroi is growing on me. Hope it doesn't spread. SAMMY WATKINS.
  8. Why are you making this about race? I swear it's always racial with you people. I feel like you hate me because i'm a burger flipper. It's good to get our feelings out brother. <3.
  9. That or cut him. Bring in more Amendolas. I won't rest till Hogan returns home.
  10. Reich on brohter. Reich on. (I want you to get this one think hard) I guessssssss prison guard school ignored 1890's through today. How the Democrats Became Socially Liberal The Third Party Democrats began to change from social conservative to social progressive in the 1890’s at the end of the Gilded Age under the progressive populist Democrat William Jennings Bryan. Under Bryan, the Democratic Party became increasingly socially progressive and necessarily authoritative. From Bryan to Wilson, to LBJ, to Clinton the Democratic Party increasingly favored progressive social liberalism regarding “government enforced social justice and economic intervention” over laissez-faire governance, this attracted progressive Republicans and drove social conservatives from the party over time. How the Republicans Became Socially Conservative The Fourth Party Republicans began to change when the Progressive Republican Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt broke from the party in 1912 (with Teddy being one of the forces, along with Bryan, Taft, and Wilson, that gave the “Progressive Era” its historical name). Following the break, the Republicans increasingly embraced social conservatism and opposed social progressivism (they especially opposed Communism). From Harding to Hoover, to Nixon, to Bush they increasingly favored classical liberalism regarding “individual and states’ rights” over central authority. This attracted some social conservative Democrats like states’ rights Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond (resulting in asouthernization of the Republican party), and drove some progressive Republicans from the party over time. womp womp. try to read fast before this gets deleted. p.s. you seem like a smart dude. I think you'd run circles around me. If you grew up in abject poverty with "animals"-- you'd get out for sure. Sammy Watkins.
  11. He's probably a patriots fan too. This dude's life rocks....
  12. Hey look. I found yours. \ This one is probably a bit of a throwback for you-- but i found you in this one too. because i know you won't get the reference-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_a_Nation I know a doctorate in prison guarding is more focused on how to keep bad boys from hurting other bad boys. So i thought i'd provide some context for you. No worries.
  13. Thank you for your service SIR! Those bad bad boys wouldn't put themselves into solitary confinement. I wish we could give you Watkins for a day. A man at the height of his masculinity in profession and stature like you would take care of a "kitty" like that boy. p.s. sorry about the shirt-- couldn't find it in Prison Guard
  14. I'll be at the game. You'll see me sitting during the pledge of allegiance. Come say hi. We should get to know each other. Bring your badge... or i guess in your case prison guard identification card (so i know it's you). Thank you for your service. I'll flip you a burger.
  15. Why is your go to flipping burgers? It's a craft we work hard at. Just because you have a doctorate in adult babysitting doesn't mean you have to be so condescending.
  16. God. Please. No. Please. I can not live in a world where we lose to Edelman at QB.
  17. My personal favorite posts are made by pots talking about kettles. The iron---y.
  18. OK have fun. I'll be at the game hoping to see A. Lynn open the passing game up. Looking forward to it
  19. Why yes. Yes he was. He was even a problem for the 49ers when he wasn't on our team. http://www.ninersnation.com/2015/11/15/9736210/was-greg-romans-offense-to-blame-in-san-francisco
  20. They have a ton of plays. I think they are going to control the amount of plays they install for any given game. They don't have to do 90 a game. They also don't have to use the same 50 every game.
  21. This place is crazy. But seriously, every time one of these rumors comes up here they end up being true. It's the worst. The only one we got away with was Watkins, Woods, and Goodwin having a bar brawl and it somehow flying under the radar.
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