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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. God the wheels and heart on Zach brown....Can we keep him? Let Stephon Go......and keep Zach and Lorenzo. This is richies contract all over agian
  2. I won't dispute that we need more regulation. Possibly taxing them at a higher rate or more border security. It wouldn't be a big thing if he said it like your or I did. My problem is that he's not smart or tactful enough to do that. He makes W. Look like a genuis. He's often unhinged and thin skinned. My problem with Trump is he has no real convictions, outside of his own brand. Hes ridiculous. His speeches are mainly nonsense. Have you ever looked at a transcript? Romney would have won this election handily. Hillary will be president because Republicans went with a mad man this time around. Direct from his twitter: How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obamas birth certificate died in plane crash today. All others lived The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non competitive. Everyone knows I'm right that Robert Patterson should dump Kristen Stewart. In a couple of years he will thank me, be smart Robert. Are these the words of a stable person that we want to lead the free world?
  3. No. The point of the post was about the majority of them being rapists/thieves/murderers and assuming some of them are good people just looking for work. It's the exact opposite. Most of them are hard working people looking to get ahead. A small minority of them are bad people. Have you ever worked closely with Mexicans in construction or in a restauran ? It's harder to condemn everyone so plainly when you can't put a face to them.
  4. My office just got telework. So now I can post here 24/7. Love telework. So Bill Clinton was wrong for that. I won't vote for him this time. Two wrongs make a right, as I always say.
  5. He'll be good when he gets his shot. Bills have an RB magic touch that has worked on all of them except Boom Herron and Boobie "running in mud" Dixon.
  6. That hit on Sunday early on on ST by Lorax made me so happy. Wish it was Edelman.
  7. Alright. Awesome. Maybe he doesn't know about Bills Mafia yet. Lol
  8. I agree. People who don't agree with my political leanings are literal scumbag communists. Glad someone had the guts to say it dude.
  9. Are we going to do a thing where I keep giving you examples and you keep telling me I'm wrong? Lets just skip that and beat the LA rams next week. Go Bills.
  10. They need to honor their contracts. They aren't preventing him from supporting Trump. Free speech is an American right. Freedom from consequences of free speech is not. Ask Colin. Sometimes I think people forget that. If they don't like him because of his political leanings, fine. But they still better play hard for that $$$. It appears that they are. He did the trump thing a while ago, I doubt they unravel now. They all showed up on their day off Monday.
  11. Rex is smarter than Trump. You can hear it in the way that they speak. Namely Rex is coherent and has tact if he chooses to use it; but I agree Trump probably has a style Rex likes. Also it should be noted...Rex regularly accepts/acknowledges losing, as we know . Trump on the other hand can't hand psychological ramifications of admitting he was wrong or lost at something.
  12. Hes a Mexican, Trump told CNN of Curiel. Were building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings rulings that people cant even believe. Curiel, it should be noted, is an American citizen who was born in Indiana. I dunno....that's pretty close to the definition of being racist; saying an American is unable to make judicial decisions properly because of their race.
  13. Most of the force feeding is his direct quotes lol..Donald is a mess. That being said players can have their own political beliefs and so can Rex. I hope BN and the boys don't try to make this a thing.
  14. They gave him that money that put them in this situation because he has the talent that dictates that kind of money.
  15. Gilmore getting foot checked. Wish Corey White was OK. He filled in well with Cardinals.
  16. Now imagine a world where you were so valuable to your employer that you violated the terms of your employment and they still put up with you. In fact they go out of their way to help you. Then after you come back the entire workforce rejoices and your employer celebrates. Now imagine you're Karlos Williams. Dareus is elite. He is one of the best players to ever play the game of football in the NFL. I'm happy he's back and I hope he continues to get help himself and from the team.
  17. They are all in the same division. That will be 5$ please.
  18. Not that it means anything...but justin hunter didn't do the customary shout out to #billsmafia on his twitter.
  19. He's a kitty boo boo. Just take the screw out of his foot and deal with it. Oh wait...wrong player. He's a kitty boo boo. So his life has been tragic with the loss of loved ones and friends. ..get over it. I still go to work everyday! If only the league gave me a chance. I'm very tough. Is that how we do this? IMO
  20. I thought this was semi-related to Bill's oral history. A nice father/daughter picture.
  21. He's going to eat everyone elses snaps. More importantly he's going to eat Kase Keenum. https://vine.co/v/MVwTHDH7XQU
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