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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. He shouldn't have hit her ever; that being said she shouldn't have pushed and slapped him. There's no way the slap phased him. He could have just walked away.
  2. But i don't understand if this is bad for Hughes / or telling about Ryan. Hughes hasn't done anything to merit benching...
  3. This is an unfair characterization. I've seen a lot of videos of us smashing tables and winning. For Example:
  4. I don't think that's true if it's Coughlin. Coughlin deserves respect; Marrone was all bluster without any substance.
  5. I would seriously, not kidding, once and for all order my patriots #12 jersey, if Douglas "what's the word I'm looking for" Marrone came back. .
  6. Not sarcastic....every rumor I've ever read here is true. So good. He's gone. This place really has differing opinions but it seems like everyone who has tidbits of inside info is honestly trying to pass it on. So that's nice. God bless us every one. Thanks for the scoop.
  7. Jay Skurski doesn't spin for the Bills baby....check his other reads; he was calling Ron Darby a rapist
  8. I thought the other big dude looked pretty good. He trucked some people on that *one* catch.
  9. Goodwin has been an iron man this year (for his standards). **and possibly the entire wide receiver cores standards. The nice thing is we will have two 6'5 and hungry WRs ready to go Sunday.
  10. https://twitter.com/YardsPerPass/status/804016792754601985 DPI was real; they didn't show it on the broadcast.
  11. I don't mind propaganda like this when it's really well produced and tugs at my heart strings.
  12. I think it's just them saying he will play but not making the mistake of sounding too sure and getting burned again. Like they have in the past with Sammy.
  13. lol. Thanks for running a tight ship. Just in case i'm getting banned......i want to be clear about what i'm saying: Go !@#$ yourself.
  14. The thing about you is, that you're smart. It comes through in the way you write. The other thing about you is, that you delight in trolling those of us that don't share the same rigid views that you do. As an aside listening to whiney Howard Simon and local stat genius Jeremy White is like having my hands nailed to the table. I'm forced to listen to John Propaganda Murphy for my bills news. I do like Sal Cappacio too though. I'm moved past hate and moved on to acceptance. He's the greatest of all time.
  15. Hey sweetie pie! Thanks for taking an interest in my post. First: I'm so happy someone is finally talking about Tyrod. Second: I didn't say that we all need to pretend the team is perfect. You and I watch the same games. We know it's not. Third: this post was specifically posted to target the people who like Tyrod/tolerate him on the day after a win. This is very thinly veiled and didn't need a separate post to beat the horse were currently still beating in 100 other threads.
  16. We said that same thing about JJ Watt and we shut him down. They can scheme the game to help themselves out.
  17. Honestly this place is becoming worse than yahoo or youtube comment section. Like what's up with this told you so agenda pushing bull ****? Is it the vocal minority or is this how the most of you feel after a win? I love the info and interacting with other fans...but jesus us christ... Every one of these threads I click I basically know I'm trolling myself; but I do it anyways.
  18. We could use a few breaks...pun intended.
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