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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. Lmao. This is the kinda hit that made Antonio Brown start tweeting like a schizophrenic.
  2. The acceptance stage....but also.....I feel like the Bills are the better team.
  3. I think the crazier play here is 91 throwing a guy on the floor with one arm while fighting another????
  4. Average lifespan of a viking 38. Average life span of United States citizen 77. I'm going to the game (because im a degenerate), but I'm not going to cosplay it's because I'm going to Valhalla. There's no virtue in suffering/putting your life in danger for a bills game. Stop being a weirdo.
  5. There you have it- innocent. Lets pick him up for the playoffs.
  6. Dude be cool. You need to move on and practice forgiveness. Remember when the allies let Hitler take Poland? Figure out how they worked as a team to accomplish the goal of forgiveness.
  7. Yeah yeah, tell that to the 90 virgins most of them are posting here right now.
  8. The worst part of all of it is….McD is closer to the shoe bomber than any of these guys.
  9. Ends to justify the means though. I agree it’s whatever; but if it helps to get rid of him now? Good.
  10. It just makes me think the guy is low IQ and has a direct correlation to him masterminding 13 seconds. Thinking on his feet is not his strength.
  11. Every Bills fan knew our "defensive guru" was going to blow it at the end; and he did, TWICE! It's a pattern at this point. 13 seconds wasn't some anomaly it turns out, it was the first time a larger problem revealed itself. Sean is a good person and an awful coach under pressure. You can feel the fear in his decisions. It's to the point that he is either stupid or just terrified. He calls random time outs on defense that generally result in 1st downs anyways. Josh gave us the lead twice. He couldn't get it done twice. Josh also gave us the lead in most of the games we lost this year, and the defense blew it. Once to one of the worst quarterbacks in the league. The patriots drove down on this defensive guru and scored. He needs to go. The pattern is too clear. He is in over his head. Don't waste Josh Allen. He ALWAYS does. He's just screaming internally every time.
  12. At least he won his super bowl first. The bengals can continue to not think about the bills on their couches.
  13. I think that is Allen’s biggest flaw; he’s human. Also maybe it’s the hair. I feel like this all started when he changed his hair!
  14. This was the biggest event in Matt Araiza's life; this would also just have been another Wednesday for Jim Kelly. Bring him back.
  15. I don't think i'd really quit the Bills-- but if this happened i'm a Ravens fan. lol
  16. dang, this is art probably AI art..it struggles with hands
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