Always follow the money. When he lost the big donors that was it for him.
The same people that have always controlled the country, on both sides, the donors.
The Dems look like a monkey *****en a football! I thought the republicans were a bunch of idiots, the Dems said “hold my beer”. They just handed the election to trump. And that jackass has no business being near the White House, even as a tourist!
Why? Does it matter? Has he even been running the country?
That doesn’t even make sense.
I think it was the big money donors that have been withholding their money that pushed him out. When the money dries up the writing is on the wall.
That’s absolutely right, they don’t have anything to store for it. That’s why I want to see what republicans can do? I’m pretty sure I know what the answer is but I want to see it play out.