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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. I would recommend blocking him because he is dumb hateful maga that has no thinking and reasoning ability
  2. Also on “How has camp changed “? If St. John fisher can’t handle the amount of people that want to attend practice it’s time to move it to a facility that can!
  3. I’m sure his kids will figure it out. But 4 years old it’s probably not the best time to start. Can we just let them be kids for awhile without jamming all your horseshit views down their throat!? Exactly why I home schooled. Some ass hat always trying to tell someone what their kids should and shouldn’t know at a certain age!
  4. How camp has changed? I used to be able to take my kids and make good memories. They used to be able to get autographs. Now? I didn’t even get a response on weather we got picked to get tickets in the “lottery”. (Obviously we didn’t.) My oldest son’s friend had 4 tickets and only needed one so he took my oldest son and my twins last week. They said no chance to get autographs, only for vip people. so for a family of 6 that might have went 2-3 times a summer, we had 3 boys go once. I remember in the lawyer milloy days I think it was I was driving by fisher and camp (practice) was going on, I just parked my work van somewhere, ran across the street and caught the end of practice. They were scrimmaging hard that day to. I saw a great goal line stand, someone getting stuffed at the goal line, fans cheering, players jacked up celebrating!
  5. Probably a team whose ass Alan has kicked multiple times which is why the gm remained anonymous. Now kc gm, for example could talk openly and attach his name to it. Sure Allen has beat kc a few times in the regular season but never when it counted. Allen has cleaned up on pretty much everyone else.
  6. Are trannys handing out medals? Maybe I will be able to watch a little if they are not and the ioc have the whole thing up.
  7. You just speculating or do you have facts?
  8. They didn’t say anything to you when you did this to bills time LOL 😂 I’m just playing your game. You got a thread going about me not being on here. I live rent free in your head. oh by the way, how was your sister last night?
  9. The best thing to do is just let Vance talk. He will dig his own grave.
  10. Yes yes I’m sure you are right. I bow down to you. very easy to trigger you, just told you to back up your claim. LOL weak sister. Hopefully you did block me? No loss. One less ####### Maga.
  11. You made the post, back it up. I won’t be voting for anybody. Save your private messages for someone who cares what you got to say. lol make all the pike emojis you want. You said something about acting like a child. That is the queen of it.
  12. Post evidence. Just don’t spew bull *****. Dude, it’s summertime. Back away from the keyboard and go outside. You’re not going to win the election on the bills message board. You post more than billstime did and just as much bull *****! You post all day long everyday. Take a break. The election is not till November. I’m going to start a hate campaigning against you like you did against billstime. I see you are already geared up for another full day of posting nothing but bull ***** and hate speech. This should get you far in life.
  13. I don’t remember because I don’t watch it. I don’t remember because the sopranos was never a thing on the world stage. I don’t remember because the soprano’s was not being constantly shoved down my throat like like lgbtq transgender is everyday. Personally I don’t care what they do, they don’t have to answer to me. I just don’t want to see that freak show crap and have it shoved in my face trying to tell me I have to accept it. I never seen a heterosexual athlete get on tv with his nut sack hanging out nor do I want to!
  14. Does that make it right? Just because the sopranos did it? What kind of logic is that? Maybe he was like me and didn’t watch the sopranos? Sopranos wasn’t real life. I’m sure there are a number of reasons I don’t think of right off the top of my head.
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