How camp has changed? I used to be able to take my kids and make good memories. They used to be able to get autographs. Now? I didn’t even get a response on weather we got picked to get tickets in the “lottery”. (Obviously we didn’t.) My oldest son’s friend had 4 tickets and only needed one so he took my oldest son and my twins last week. They said no chance to get autographs, only for vip people.
so for a family of 6 that might have went 2-3 times a summer, we had 3 boys go once.
I remember in the lawyer milloy days I think it was I was driving by fisher and camp (practice) was going on, I just parked my work van somewhere, ran across the street and caught the end of practice. They were scrimmaging hard that day to. I saw a great goal line stand, someone getting stuffed at the goal line, fans cheering, players jacked up celebrating!