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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. This won’t end well for Elon.
  2. I don’t listen to Biden saying we are or we are not in a recession. I don’t listen to politicians for this kind of stuff. Medical advice, from a doctor. Financial advice from my money manager. I’ll wait to hear from an economist on weather we are in a recession. Not some dude on a message board who is rooting for it. From what I heard without even looking into it too much yet is the Fed could meet early (supposed to meet in September) to lower rates to prevent a recession.
  3. Fears of a recession. Job growth numbers were not what they expected. That’s it. The stock market has been soaring for a year and a half. If someone didn’t expect a bit of a correction somewhere along the way that’s because you don’t know anything about the stock market. And japans market almost fully recovered in one day.
  4. So to be clear for all the right wing nut jobs who are celebrating. We are not actually in a recession? All this was over fears of a recession? You’re celebrating and exposing yourselves for who you really are over nothing. That’s great.
  5. Hmmmm you think you caught me don’t you. Nice try. But a weak one. When we were going thru that I never said a word about it because I would never celebrate anything like that happening to this country. I posted that to today as a reminder for all those celebrating the stock market taking a hit what it was like under your supreme leader that you worship.
  6. And the right couldn’t be happier at the demise of the us economy. That is why you will lose!
  7. You can call her whatever you want, but you better get used to calling her Mrs President because she is going to kick trumps ass in the election. And it’s because of stupid ***** like this. Normal people see thru this and you are exposing yourself for the white trash you are.
  8. They got no chance, Not with that clown as candidate. You can sleep easy at night. Trump has peaked at best, most likely losing even his own republicans ( not maga) for awhile I was sure trump would win, even when Biden dropped out. But now? With the Vance pick as vp and these unhinged attacks on Harris’ race and Brian kemp? The guy ids a clown. We all knew who he was, most importantly republicans know who he is and they still nominated him! Now they will cry the election was stolen. I’m going to laugh.
  9. Do you actually believe this crap you post? LOL 😂 where do you come up with this? No wonder republicans always lose.
  10. What the he’ll is the matter with this guy. This it’s weird? honestly it’s just plain sad!
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