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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. The country is full of white trash!
  2. Those are excuses, many people grew up in a house like that and didn’t do stuff like that. My parents split up when I was 4 I lived in a foster home, went to Cali with my mom. She became an alcoholic and sent me back to New York to live with my dad when I was 8. Needless to say he wasn’t much of a father. I had to get a paper route at 12 to buy my own cloths and tooth paste and such. Needless to say it wasn’t a good childhood and I never even thought of doing anything like that! Excuses.
  3. I have met many adults that should not be parents. Thankfully some did not have kids. Some did and are not good parents!
  4. So you take Putin at his word? LOL now that’s funny! Follow the money, not the news, not Putin.
  5. Yes and the kid lied and said it wasn’t him. Then the family since moved to a different country and school district. They should charge the parents again like they did to the kids in Michigan. You haven’t had one right comment in this thread. Why start now? Thank God you left the Buffalo area!
  6. Why would you ask him that? You haven’t cared about trump sucking Putins dick and Russia supporting him ever! You have to ask yourself why would Russia support him? Because he is the king of useful idiots, and you clowns eat it up. 🤡
  7. I’m so heartbroken. Just devastated!
  8. So you approve of the school shootings? Cool.
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