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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You guys are the ones trying to make this stupid claim you moron. You can’t even get your lies straight. You need more training from trump on how to lie.
  2. First of all they are not killing cats so if you want to be taken serious stop repeating maga lies. Are they illegal? I’m not sure I heard they all are? And yes killing anyone would be way worse and that it’s what should be talked about, not lies, then you might get someone besides maga idiots to listen to you. and I can say the same about you, worried or upset more about a dead bird than a human life! Are these people not human? You care more about a bird or cat? Sick *****!
  3. The governor and the county commissioner were on saying the port thing isn’t true. But the county is having infrastructure is being taxed to the limit. They do have a lot of legit problems that should be talked about! An immigrant that works as a nurse acknowledges the stresses and problems that 20,000 people are causing but said they are not going anywhere because while here there are problems back home it’s a matter of life and death!.
  4. The funny part isn’t the *****en morons on here repeating these stupid claims, we all know trump supporters are idiots. The funny thing is the moron they support spewing this bull#### on the debate stage with the whole world watching. He’s an embarrassment to himself and his family.
  5. Dude no one listens to your *****. Everyone knows you are full of it. Fake news. Always the victim! Boring!
  6. I love watching the spin dr. Trying to cover for trump. He looked like the idiot that he is. When you got to go straight to your own spin room right after the debate you lost!
  7. He’s running for president for a third time and he doesn’t have a health care plan? He needs to sit down!
  8. The way our D line rotates you’re worried about who started? Everyone is going to play, everyone is going to contribute. Epenesa played DT even.
  9. Looked like they were still in preseason mode on defense and not so special teams. But it’s nice to get the win while they get some kinks worked out. A lot of new parts that need to jell and losing Johnson didn’t help at all obviously. We can’t afford to keep losing our best players.
  10. Don’t kid yourself. You guys were never voting for Biden/Harris. Just like lefties were never voting for trump. I’m not saying I disagree with you on why you don’t like them. A vaccine should not be forced on anyone. I’m not sure about that changing your DnA crap but that doesn’t matter. If you didn’t want it you should not have been forced to take it.
  11. Gun crime is down, that’s the sad part. All these mass shoutings and gun crime is down. Obviously not all gun crime is a mass shooting! And mass shootings obviously get more media coverage. And school shootings get the most. I’m sure you were bright enough to figure all that out? Maybe not since you asked and you are maga, that’s how you wind up being a trump supporter, can’t think for yourself.
  12. Dumb as a *****en stump!
  13. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. Such an idiot!
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah!
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