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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Well well well. Now we know who the Commie lovers are. Intresting thread these days. I might have to astounding read it. Maga and trump love themselves dictators. Very weak people as it turns out, maybe they feel more secure in what they perceive is a strong man?
  2. Trump and Maga have exposed themselves to the whole world who they truly are.
  3. Ukraine is going to do what they want dummy. Not hard to understand. Support them or get out of the way. If you don't want to support them that's up to you. We know you guys love dictators anyway.
  4. They had to hire north Korean solders for Christ sake. The Russian army is a mess. These people are weak. Make Putin back off. No more land for him. The only thing he gets is no NATO for Ukraine.
  5. No one knows what Russia wants for peace. Trump pulled his pants down so much so that Putin doesn't have to do or say a thing. Just keep bombing until trump learns on Zelensky so much that he rolls over and plays dead. Americans used to stand up for democracy, they used to stand by their allies. They used to oppose dictators. Not anymore appearantly. Stand up to Putin, they are weak. One thing I learned about Russia with this war is outside of nukes their military ain't worth a sh it! And God knows how old their nukes system is? Does it even work anymore? Probably crash and blow up their own country if they tried to launch one. Maga is soft weak and scared.
  6. No doubt he should not have joined in that ***** show with Trump and Vance. Big mistake. But that doesn't mean he is going to surrender to Putin. You guys love that commie., good for you. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-44824858 This is how your orange Jesus is viewed around the world.
  7. Trump is weak and so is Maga.
  8. Ukraine is not just going to surrender so how do you want to accomplish peace? They are not trump, they are not afraid of Putin and Russia, they ate not going to nursery pull down their pants for him!
  9. I think I have stated many times what I want. Stand up to Putin you bunch of weak ass bitc ches! Stop sending money, yes Ukrain is running out of bodies they will keep fighting no matter how low they get on bodies or who supports them. I know who I don't want to be in a fox hole with, Maga is a bunch of Cowards.
  10. Thayer because your a *****en idiot. No one is cheering for the failure of America. Not OK with kissing Putins ass. Not OK with that ***** show in the white house yesterday. I don't care what side you are on and who you support that was a ***** slow and an embarrassment. You just have your head shoved to far up trumps ass to see it!
  11. The world response (and even a lot of republicians) is telling. But that, like so many other things in life, will go right over maga's head.
  12. Who doesn't understand thisTrump better start working on Russia. Ukraine surrendering to Russia, trump pulling down his pants for this is not going to work. What part of Ukrainians would rather die than become part of Russia don't you understand?
  13. And you think a peace accord could be reached with a man like Putin lol. You're funny. Did I say Thayer what I wanted them to do? No I don't believe I did. In fact I know I didn't. I told you what they will do, just like you would if you're country was invaded which also went over your head. Or are you a weak candy ass like Trump and just give up.
  14. Totally missed the point. Right over your head. Never mind, now I see how people become trump supporters.
  15. ***** him. But honestly I do respect teachers. When I was doing a job for one I would always stop and talk to them, I would tell them if I was to do it all over again I would become a teacher mainly because I love kids so much. It's the only only job I could think to do without people thinking you are a pedo. I was always carful expressing my love for children and wanting to work with them because of that. Most reasonable people realize that Ukraine was going to fight to the death no matter what, not a hard concept to grasp. The "iffy" was auto correct changing my words as always.
  16. Ukraine had nukes and gave them up which these idiots are to weak and afraid to acknowledge. I'm sure Ukraine will try to develop our aquire again in the future and will not sign any deal to give them up again.
  17. First of all ***** you. Those are not the only options. Stand up to Putin you candy ass. Did you ever consider the possibility (which it's obvious you didn't because it's obvious you have zero thinking ability) that Ukraine won't give up no matter if they have USA support or not? Would you give up if China sends 500,000,000 men on US soil? No, you would fight to the death. The rest of your points are just weak!
  18. There is no "seemingly", they support Putin and Russia. I have pressed the question countless times, why doesn't caption cheto tell Russia to stop the invasion, not one of the weak minded imbeciles can answer that because their right wing influencers or fox news has told them what say yet. Neither trump nor any of these idiots has even considered that possibility yet.
  19. This is a weak argument. They are in war and his country backs him and his parliament agreed to cancel it. To act like he is a dictator is just iffy even for a teacher.
  20. To be clear, did I say that? If trump is so strong tell Putin to stop the invasion. He can't, he won't, he is weak. He doesn't know how to end the war. The only thing he knows is how to be a bully so that's what he did yesterday, bullied the weaker side, scared to stand up to Putin. Trump is weak, Maga is weak, the USA looks weak.
  21. You're a teacher. Sit down and shut up. No one takes you serious.
  22. Trump loves you *****en idiot Commie lovers. Tell Putin to stop the invasion if Trump is so strong.
  23. Trump won't be in office that long. No worries. Hang in there, you got this. Keep making up lies and bull *****. Keep supporting commies. Trump doesn't know how to stop the war.
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