Spin it how you want. I have not heard anyone say he has reported fake stuff in the past. In fact his last stuff that came out a while back was from his own conversations with trump. They played the recordings. Again, I don’t expect you to believe it. You have to spin it so you can justify supporting a guy like trump and be able to sleep comfortably at night. I’m not sure I operate in extremes, I can live with trump as president. I want to laugh at all of you when you are loosing freedoms and he ***** yup the country again. You people spent four years bitching and whining about Biden when this ***** economy started under trump with his botched response to COVID. Supply chains and everything were all fuvked before Biden was in office, sh it was already rolling down hill! Now things are finally going in the right direction. I want to see how trump can improve on that? It’s time to put up or shut up. I’ll be fine if he wins, I need a good laugh.