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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You should become a dolphins fan then. You won’t be missed.
  2. As it turns out I’m starting to like maga. They are so stupid it’s funny. You can’t make this stuff up. Great entertainment, keep up the good work.
  3. Obviously Woodward wasn’t lying.
  4. Spin it how you want. I have not heard anyone say he has reported fake stuff in the past. In fact his last stuff that came out a while back was from his own conversations with trump. They played the recordings. Again, I don’t expect you to believe it. You have to spin it so you can justify supporting a guy like trump and be able to sleep comfortably at night. I’m not sure I operate in extremes, I can live with trump as president. I want to laugh at all of you when you are loosing freedoms and he ***** yup the country again. You people spent four years bitching and whining about Biden when this ***** economy started under trump with his botched response to COVID. Supply chains and everything were all fuvked before Biden was in office, sh it was already rolling down hill! Now things are finally going in the right direction. I want to see how trump can improve on that? It’s time to put up or shut up. I’ll be fine if he wins, I need a good laugh.
  5. And what are you going to do since you are trying make this bet? Even if Harris wins I doubt I will post much other than throwing dirt on your grave. Putting here talking to maga=waste of time. Do you ever see me post on right or left policies? No. So again what are you going to do? i call it like I see it just like a football game. You think people who are on the fence are going to vote for a guy who is spreading lies and causing division during a natural disaster? Hell no. That is why I said trump is currently putting the final nails in his coffin. Just keep him talking, he is his own worst enemy. MJT no one more maga than her, “the govt is controlling the weather”. You think anyone who isn’t die hard maga is going to vote for that? I can’t believe that is what politics has come to? Outside of the obvious things wrong with what she said that dumb B word didn’t even take into consideration that she IS THE GOVT!!! You stfu and start figuring out what you are going to do when maga dies. How are you idiots going to get your self respect back? No they will storm the Capitol again. Obviously it’s it’s not maga right wing nut job you won’t believe it. Woodward is a highly respected journalist. Not everyone is like trump and willing to throw there careers away because they lie constantly.
  6. Don’t forget that pesky detail of trump sending COVID tests to Putin at the height of the pandemic for his personal use when Americans were dying and couldn’t get them. Keep supporting him maga. It’s more about you than him now. You sold your souls to the devil ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  7. Show one I posted. You can’t because I didn’t. Trump is currently putting the final nails in his own coffin!
  8. It’s obvious at this point. They hate fact checkers. Their whole campaign is built on lies, they don’t want to be fact checked. Only his idiot followers by his ***** he is selling.
  9. You’re putting too much stock in these polls, setting yourself up for disappointment. This reminds me of the red wave in 2022. My brother believed all the hype, I think he was more dejected than when the bills lost the super bowls.
  10. Who gives a *****? I’m so heart broken. You better ignore us because it’s obvious how much the truth bothers you. one of those honest guys who hates fact checkers LOL!
  11. Maga LOL. They always have egg on their face!
  12. This is what I was thinking, it always seems to give a team extra juice.
  13. Truth? Maga wouldn’t know what the truth is if it bite you in the ass.
  14. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black? Lol. This coming from a trump supporter.
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