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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. So now that the gay bastard came out of the closet how many of you homos are going to follow his lead and carry the gay pride flag this coming January 6th at the Capitol after he loses again? There is no October surprise. What could trump do that you idiots won’t support? What is crossing the line for you? Nothing. There is nothing he could do including murdering a baby on live tv that his worshippers wouldn’t support. You would blame the baby.
  2. Egg on your face again maga! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
  4. You ***** are going to talk about someone lying? That’s trumps middle name! But of course you believe everything he says. How did the 2020 election lies work out for you? Rotflmao!
  5. Now that’s a good one. But it sounds like trump is the one who has a thing for him.
  6. Keep supporting the guy who talks about the size of Arnold palmers dick. Yeah he’s sane. Those comments are great for National security and the economy etc. seriously, keep supporting him.
  7. He can do a high school kids job but somehow that is an “epic” own. LOL. They have really lowered their standards. You keep telling yourself that snowflake. It will be over soon!
  8. Someone’s got to explain this. I can’t wait to hear someone from the truth to tell me “ what he meant to say”.
  9. Can you imagine if Harris was talking about some lady’s ***** at her rally? Maga you are a*****in joke.
  10. Topic? The topic is Jesus is lord, if that’s the case why do you worship trump? tds=trump dick sucker=you
  11. I’m not talking about the stock market fool. If I was talking about the stock market I would have said that. Like it or hate it, America has by far the best economy in the world. California has the 4th highest gdp in the world! Trump can call America ashit hole all and he is the only one who can fix it all he wants. But people with a brain, who actually do some research see through his BS. You know what you can do with that stupid tds. That just shows how stupid you really are.
  12. America is great. This economy everyone ***** about is the best in the world by far and the beat it’s been since ww2. For example California has the fourth highest gdp in the world! Freedom of speech? Trump wants to sue cbs for the Harris interview, he wants them all to lose their license!! Free speech for me not for thee! People need to educate themselves.
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