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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. He was a hitter wanna be. The difference last time from this time is last time he didn’t surround himself with yes men. This time he is. Why do you think he said last time he wishes he had generals like hitlers you *****en idiot? He is going to try to little trump wannabes. But that’s ok, honestly we are on here talking about that won’t happen because trump won’t win. He has no chance, he got vo last time.
  2. This isn’t the first time he’s said this. We have heard about trump saying hitler did some good things before. You and your revisionist history. It’s not about Kelly. It’s not about trump. It’s about YOU. You accept trump and his fascism. Good luck with that.
  3. Obviously nobody is in tears. This is just how these idiots deflect and try to ignore what trump does. They are hypocrites.
  4. LOL. I love the conspiracy theories. I’m sure MTG will help you out with that. I think it has to do with the space lasers.
  5. You keep telling yourself that. You will find out soon enough. Maga doesn’t care, you guys have done your best to sweep that under the rug.
  6. The real question is why are you ok with a guy running for office talking about it at a politically rally? Of course you will defend him, we expect nothing else. So now that you started a thread about it you nullified your own point. /thread
  7. Keep your head shoved firmly up your ass tho Lol.
  8. Did someone say election rigging? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Dumb assess!
  9. That would be trump. Just like you guys suck trumps dick. Now you will be carrying the gay pride flag at your January 6 riot at the Capitol. I can see it now.
  10. Ha ha ha I agree with this. But all I’ve heard from the right is that it’s all Biden fault. If they are going to blame Biden I’m going to blame trump, he was in charge when it started. It’s his fault he didn’t have China under control. He dare he let that virus escape from the lab under his watch. Isn’t that how it works under Biden, things that happened around the world when he was president must be his fault? That’s why I want trump to win. Pay back will be fun.
  11. You people are just too plain dumb to understand. I don’t care what he did and if he had fun or not. I laughed at you morons for trying to act like it was real and it was the greatest political move of all time. No one cares about maga. We all know you are a bunch of idiots and will defended trump no matter what he does. Even talking about Arnold palmers junk at a political rally. Can you imagine if Harris talked about how big Serena Williams ti ts are. “Oh she’s got a huge rack, and she’d crush them boys with her thighs”! You guys would be going nuts. Hypocrites!!
  12. He did. It’s taken Biden all these years to get the economy back on track. Cry harder. Who was president when things got shut down? who tried to bury their head in the sand when he seen the economy was going in the wrong direction and it might cost him the election? You dumb asses like to post pictures of $1.80 gas under trump, like we all forgot why it was so cheap. Who was president when money started to get handed out for free? You idiots thought that wouldn’t come back and bite us. You’ve blamed Biden for 4 years about everything when it all got started under trumps watch. Great, blame Biden I don’t give ashit about him either. Give trump another shot. When he ***** this country up I will laugh at you. The difference last time from this time for trump will be, last time he put people around him who had enough common sense to not let him act on some of his worst desires. This time he is surrounding himself with yes men. It is going to be a ***** show and I’m going to laugh at maga. You guys brought this on, it will be on you.
  13. Trump, who do you think? He likes Arnold palmers *****. If that’s his game more power to him. I’m sure you guys will be carrying the gay pride flag this coming January 6th at the Capitol along with the trump flags. Are you kidding? I hope he wins. He will ***** this country up so bad and I’m going to laugh at you guys.
  14. Oh you got me pegged. He’s a shoe in now, they might as well cancel the election. Trump can serve fries, if that’s what Makes you happy I’m all for it.
  15. Is that why she doesn’t talk about Arnold palmers *****?
  16. Does anybody really give a *****? Honestly I can’t even believe that is talked about? They are your people now that trump came out of the closet. No wonder him and Melinda look like they smell pee when they sit next to eachother.
  17. I figured you don’t have reading comprehension. Yup passing out fries in a staged event ought to put him over the top. He’s a shoe in to win the election now.
  18. Seriously? I don’t hate the person I hate the act. I don’t want to know what they are doing. Honestly I don’t hate anyone, not even maga. I just like to troll you. No. I’m just an as s hole. You like what they do if you want I have no problem with that. Stop why do you have a problem because I don’t like what they do? Is it because your hero turned out to be gay?
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