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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. We Are seeing the rise of the new breed of traitors. The pentagon just ordered a stand down on cyber offensive on russia. This is today's republician party.
  2. Donald Trump is the swamp.
  3. The best part was stealing Verizons 2 billion dollar contract for star link.
  4. Very important work you internet sleuths got going on here.
  5. These simpletons can't figure this out. If Trump and Russia don't want a war tell Russia to stop. If Russia stops I guarantee you Ukraine Dose not fire another shot.
  6. His poll numbers are already dropping just 6 weeks in. I know the truth hurts but you'll be OK.
  7. Not for long. I think it's becoming very clear who the clown is.
  8. This is all bull *****. Means nothing to me. Go ahead and run scared into Putins arms.
  9. This offer was made before yesterday, it was made before Zelensky came to the white house yesterday to sign a deal that was worked out days before. This is old news. And trump will be out in 4 years so what is this future you speak of?
  10. This is all bull sh it. Go on your Commie message board and post this weak take.
  11. Well well well. Now we know who the Commie lovers are. Intresting thread these days. I might have to astounding read it. Maga and trump love themselves dictators. Very weak people as it turns out, maybe they feel more secure in what they perceive is a strong man?
  12. Trump and Maga have exposed themselves to the whole world who they truly are.
  13. Ukraine is going to do what they want dummy. Not hard to understand. Support them or get out of the way. If you don't want to support them that's up to you. We know you guys love dictators anyway.
  14. They had to hire north Korean solders for Christ sake. The Russian army is a mess. These people are weak. Make Putin back off. No more land for him. The only thing he gets is no NATO for Ukraine.
  15. No one knows what Russia wants for peace. Trump pulled his pants down so much so that Putin doesn't have to do or say a thing. Just keep bombing until trump learns on Zelensky so much that he rolls over and plays dead. Americans used to stand up for democracy, they used to stand by their allies. They used to oppose dictators. Not anymore appearantly. Stand up to Putin, they are weak. One thing I learned about Russia with this war is outside of nukes their military ain't worth a sh it! And God knows how old their nukes system is? Does it even work anymore? Probably crash and blow up their own country if they tried to launch one. Maga is soft weak and scared.
  16. No doubt he should not have joined in that ***** show with Trump and Vance. Big mistake. But that doesn't mean he is going to surrender to Putin. You guys love that commie., good for you. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-44824858 This is how your orange Jesus is viewed around the world.
  17. Trump is weak and so is Maga.
  18. Ukraine is not just going to surrender so how do you want to accomplish peace? They are not trump, they are not afraid of Putin and Russia, they ate not going to nursery pull down their pants for him!
  19. I think I have stated many times what I want. Stand up to Putin you bunch of weak ass bitc ches! Stop sending money, yes Ukrain is running out of bodies they will keep fighting no matter how low they get on bodies or who supports them. I know who I don't want to be in a fox hole with, Maga is a bunch of Cowards.
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