Is just a distraction. You need to ask yourself why?
Never once in my life have I had to worry about a language barrier while on US soil.
Any prices being cut yet anyone besides the stock market?
Will it be cheaper to pay noaa employees or give more aid to communities to rebuild? That's not even talking about the cost of loss of life from not having an early warning.
When this plays out we'll see Maga on TV crying about lots of loved ones asking why they had no warning of the incoming storm.
OK. I thought it already was the official language. That's what we were taught in school. I always sat in English class.
What does this really mean? Just a distraction and waste of time. Pete rose anyone? Why all the distractions on the meaningless useless *****?
What a *****en idiot.
You people need to educate yourself on what they do. What will be the result of an already understaffed agency.
Do you think it will cost more money in the long run when a community doesn't get a proper warning?
Hurricane trackers in Florida are cut. Good luck you idiots down there. No aid for you either. *****en idiots talking about stuff you know nothing about.
We Are seeing the rise of the new breed of traitors. The pentagon just ordered a stand down on cyber offensive on russia. This is today's republician party.
These simpletons can't figure this out. If Trump and Russia don't want a war tell Russia to stop. If Russia stops I guarantee you Ukraine Dose not fire another shot.
This offer was made before yesterday, it was made before Zelensky came to the white house yesterday to sign a deal that was worked out days before. This is old news.
And trump will be out in 4 years so what is this future you speak of?