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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Not going to work but nice try. It’s too little too late anyway.
  2. I think this begs the question, when did Cheney send anyone into battle? who cares what he said? He lost. No way he wins. say whatever the ***** he wants. You simpletons defend it. Not working LOL. Magas days are numbered.
  3. That’s right I forgot Biden is running for office again. Trump is trash. It takes a very low iq to support him. When did you realize you wouldn’t amount to anything in life? 18?
  4. Gay, always talking about other guys *****.
  5. You wish. I wouldn’t leave and a lying trump supporter? I wouldn’t believe you for a second. Trump is trash and he will lose which means you are a loser. Let’s get serious, the record turn out is not for trump.
  6. No. I want you staying on here so I can torment you still. Bets for leaving the board forever are stupid. I see this bet all the time, no one has ever done it. Be original.
  7. Oh, no worries, trump will lose in a landslide.
  8. If he wins no, if he loses yes, his fat ass is going to jail.
  9. Ha ha ha ha ha. You you dumb asses believe this? LOL. Hoax. Russian disinfo Alex for a thousand. If it’s on the Internet it must be true. What a bunch of idiots.
  10. Here we go, got to defend trump at all costs again. If Harris said this you idiots would be losing your minds.
  11. That’s the only reason he’s running for president, to stay out of jail. He’s done. He will be picking up garbage for a job very soon. Chain gang. Don’t argue with these idiots, it’s a waste of time. Trump will lose in a landslide. Let’s be real here, people are not showing up in record numbers to vote for trump.
  12. You can’t be this stupid? No wonder this country is in the trouble it is.
  13. Seriously? This is the best thing you can come up with? Tds? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Get that weak ass sh it outta here!
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