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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Right over your head LOL.
  2. Point to one politician I have ever had anything good to say about. No hurry. Politics is nothing but corruption. Trump is just the worst and it’s not even close. Less than one day for you. What other corrupt bull ***** will you get behind next?
  3. Name 3 initiatives pence signed into law while he was vp. I’ll wait.
  4. All you had to do was prove it. You got laughed out of court. Fox News go sued. Your boy Rudy lost everything. How many lawyers lost their licenses to practice because of your cult leader? Maga losers. Hahahahahaha 24 hours left and maga is done.
  5. So you really are *****en stupid. I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt even tho you are a trump supporter. If you have been paying any attention you know I hate all politicians. i am sure the majority of them have done something. (Like maybe one thing) so I was agreeing with your post to a point. Trump differs in that he has done everything wrong. Rapist, pedo, fraud, nazi, thief, liar, narcissist, failed businessman, cheated on his wives and family, paid off a pen star, stole top secret documents and gave them to Russia, etc… feel free to add your own to how trump has broke the law. Oh can’t forget he is one dumb ####### and a cult leader. Enjoy your last 24 hours.
  6. Politics is messy. And we know trump is a pedo. This is the way I look at it, if they are a politician they did something. I’m positive they all did something, lie, fraud, sex scandals, etc.. trump has done them all for his whole life. He is just a piece of sh it.
  7. I don’t think it’s roundy you need to worry about? Maga where did you go? Getting ready for the proud boys march?
  8. I wonder which side this was directed at?
  9. Maga is going nuts on here today losing their minds on their last day. Trump knows he is going to lose. Very low energy.
  10. America doesn’t want maga. Other countries don’t want them either.
  11. He’s a complete idiot. Now we got message board police watching to see if someone posts over here during a game. What’s it to him? Not everyone is always home during the game in front of their tv. I used to have a job that I had to work on Sundays. Next Sunday I will be posting in here about trumps loss just to drive him nuts.
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