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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Thanks. I never liked the govt before and I like them less now. It doesn’t matter what side it is. They are there to take from us. I’ve paid more taxes. Let’s put it this way, if I could have invested all that tax money I wouldn’t need to worry about disability. Everyone fights about stuff, wait till you need something, something you have earned over 40 years of hard work. And I’m not near retirement age, that’s how young I was when I started working, never been laid off, never been fired. They got their hand out, they want your vote and then it’s FU. Careful, I might shot up the message board.
  2. If you guys had half a brain you would put the blame where it belongs. If you really cared about people who are suffering, the only way to correct it is to go after the source. But that is not what a liars like you wants. You want the political sound bite so your side wins. Admit it, you don’t give a ***** about the person that is suffering.
  3. I have been out of work for the last year and a half waiting to get disability with 4 kids and I have survived. I have not cried a fraction of what these losers have. They can’t manage there money but it’s someone else’s fault. This is why I hate the govt, both sides by the way. When I worked they raped me in taxes, I would get $10,000 tax bills no questions asked, had to be paid, didn’t matter that I was the only provider for a family of 6. Paid into social security for 40 years. I earned that. Had two mri done, can’t fake what I got, can’t fake an mri. Still ***** with me trying to make me go back to work. It doesn’t matter what party was or is in charge they both would have done this. ***** the govt.
  4. Len, however you want to see it I’m fine with. I don’t really care what someone thinks. There are no good discussions to be had here. You guys have never once admitted trump has done anything wrong so why should I waste my time discussing it? I was on another board and a poster admitted that trump was an ####### , did a lot of ***** that wasn’t right but he was voting for him anyway, voting along party lines. I told him I had more respect for him than anyone. At least he had the balls to admit trump is an ####### and not defend him at all costs. I told my older brother, who is a much more reasonable trump supporter than my younger maga brother, not to be spreading the lies and bull ***** he was after 2020, that republicans will get the White House back but you won’t get your integrity back. He agreed with me, he stopped trying to say that 1/6 was made up. We watched it live for crying out loud. Just don’t be full of ***** and defend that ass hat at all costs. I said it on here 100 times, I’d the republicans just picked a decent candidate they would win the election in a landslide. Get ready for Harris thanks to maga.
  5. This coming from the cult that is told what to think and gulps down the bull#### on Fox News. LOL do better.
  6. That is so clever how you call people “its”. When I grow up I want to be that clever.
  7. How long do you think it takes to find stuff on Twitter, post in and split? Do you think I take the time to read your drivel? Very little. Sometimes I spend more time if there is nothing to do. Sometimes I like to read the bull ***** maga posts. That is why I came on here originally, both my brothers are maga. I wanted to try to figure out what was the draw? Just brainless, no draw, just cult worship. Whatever butter cup. It’s a message board. Angry? I’m laughing when I post it. It’s by design, to antagonize you. It obviously worked. There was one poster on here who got it, phyon if I got his screen name right? He hasn’t posted here in a long time. Now back to bashing you guys over the head!
  8. No doubt I’m no fan of maga or trump but I’m not crazy enough to think Harris and the Dems are going to solve our problems. Spending 5-10 minutes a day on here to antagonize maga, priceless. If you recall I didn’t come on here both guns blazing, when I realized there was no good discussion to be had the next best thing was to just post stuff to get under magas skin. It obviously worked. We are not solving anything on here. Has anyone changed their mind on any topic? Have you guys ever acknowledged anything in the long list of things that trump has done? Hell no. You guys need to stop talking a message board and yourself to seriously. I come on message boards to checking on news about the bills, stop here to troll you. How many names have I been called? I don’t know because I don’t care, I done even respond to it. You guys are weak, you guys are too easy. Toughin up.
  9. Whatever you say buddy. I’m sure you know everything. Actually my goal is that after maga and trump fade away I can go back to not paying attention to politics.
  10. Republicans: “The results aren’t in yet? Rigged. Stolen “
  11. I’ve never watched morning Joe. But a 1st grader knows trumps plan works crater the economy. It’s so bad musk has to admit it.
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