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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. No *****? Really ? You don’t say? If I didn’t want to deal with it I wouldn’t be on here right now would I you idiot. Spineless means you wouldn’t be on here. No wonder you were dumb enough to support trump. You can’t even figure this simple thing out. Stop getting drunk and slamming your head on tables at the tailgates.
  2. Oh because I want ok with 1/6 in a hypocrite? Where on here did I ever sayi was ok with the blm protests? Point it out I’ll wait. Where on here did I say I support blm? I have never been a part of any protest, I have never marched in one or whatever goes on. I think they are all stupid and accomplish nothing. If you want to have a discussion about that bring up the thread that I am sure was started on it. Not my thing at all. Get a clue.
  3. Really? Trump won and I’ve been on here all night? You call that spineless? I called the win for trump in this thread before the tv networks, all of them including Fox!
  4. What happens with this now? I doubt they even have the sentencing. I appreciate that and hope the same for you. I do have a Roth Ira’s and other stuff. Like I said earlier I can only hope for the best, I have 4 kids and want a better future for them.
  5. I totally agree. That’s what I heard it was, one term. He went back on his word and Harris was shoved down everyone’s throats. I’m on record on here as saying I didn’t like it then and that trump was going to win because of it. More recently I thought that trump was such a huge ####### that he wouldn’t win. Apparently people don’t care that he is more of a danger to this country than anything. Ok sparky. Sure I’ll do what you say. LOL. What an #######. Truth still hurts. He won but the truth is the truth. Let’s hope for a better four years than the previous 8
  6. Are they going to storm the Capitol and have 60 court cases? No room to talk. You guys already proved to the country what kind of bit ches you are. Let’s see what the Dems do. They need to accept it and move on. 4 years is a short time. They need to regroup and come back strong next time.
  7. Really? I didn’t know that. Tell me more?
  8. I hope you are right. I doubt it. He has no guard rails now, he is going to surround himself with yes men. He is obsessed with revenge.
  9. I certainly hope not! I didn’t like it 4 years ago and I won’t like it now.
  10. Interesting. What candidate was responsible for getting us away from this? Funny. No cries of cheating? Not going to be in court with 60 court cases the next two months? Total change of attitude? Didn’t trump just tweet about 8 hours ago that there was massive cheating in Pennsylvania? Shouldn’t we pump the brakes on that win to investigate????
  11. A Republican on tv brought it up. Because trump won doesn’t mean he is not an #######. Don’t confuse the two. It means Americans are dumb enough to think he is better for the economy. What is he going to do? Have the federal govt file for bankruptcy once every four years?? Stff all the govt contractors? Stuff all the lawyers that work for the govt??? Steal from children’s charity’s? Don’t donate to st Jude children’s cancer institute. Trump will triple the taxes on it to steal it! Don’t confuse the two trying to gloat. Trump is still a thief, a liar etc… now he is president again. If he’s so great why do you want Vance taking over somehow before the 4 years are up (if I understood your post from earlier right)? No. Why would they? Because trump tried that bull ***** 4 years ago? Funny that you are afraid of that now!
  12. And I don’t care other than disliking trump and just would be happy to never hear his name again. But 4 years will fly by. You guys also talked a lot of sh it. Trump talked a lot of sh it, he better back it up. Weird.
  13. Who’s making excuses? I’m sure she will be looking at all those things you mentioned and more if she ever plans to try and run again. Obviously she did a lot wrong to lose to that idiot. If she doesn’t examine everything she did she will lose again if she tries.
  14. Because trump won beating cops and storming the capitol is ok? If the libs storm the capitol this coming January will you be ok with it? I doubt it. Two things can be true, 1/6 was a bad day for America. Trump will win in 2024. What? You voted for trump, you are stuck with him!
  15. Both sides threw a lot of mud. From what I’m watching it doesn’t sound like that mattered all that much. Sounds like the big thing was the economy.
  16. She had 107 days. Hillary is the worse I can remember.
  17. Good question. I was just listening to someone saying when Biden first ran 4 years ago he said it would be only for one term. He wanted to run again, had the worst debate performance in history. Still refused to step aside for weeks and left Harris only 107 days to run a campaign. Ember posting then that she didn’t have a chance, that trump would win. The last few weeks I thought she would win but I guess I was right the first time. The Dems are a sh it show and that is without even talking about the economy. Add all that up and I’m surprised she is doing as good as she is if you think about it.
  18. Who gives a sh it? I was always surprised you guys cared? That’s why I kept trolling you. It was too easy and fun. I have been telling myself for weeks I needed to stop but It was too funny.
  19. I have been thinking for awhile that one party will die. Looks like it could be the Dems. If you can’t beat trump you better hang it up.
  20. Not looking good for Harris. I hope you guys are right about trump. I doubt you are but we’ll see how it plays out. You got to support whips in charge for the good of the country we live in. I personally feel it will be a sh it show but I hope I’m wrong, I got 4 kids and I hope for a good future for them. I’m definitely on the back 9 so it doesn’t matter for me so much.
  21. Who was in office when the lock downs started? Nice try at rewriting history.
  22. Trump knows he’s losing.
  23. Twitter is boring now. There isn’t anything on there to bash trump now. WTF?!😬 No good conversation on here to be had. Don’t waste your time trying.
  24. My back. 5 crushed disks, arthritis like an 80 year old man, spinal stenosis in a few spots. No room for my spinal chord. Any swelling presses on nerves and I can’t walk. My back is so far gone it’s beyond surgery.
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