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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Did gas prices start going down yet?
  2. Don’t forget women. Get back in the kitchen while knocked up!
  3. It’s only 4 years. That’s what I told my brothers when they were crying when Biden won. I told them to keep their cool, not to getting spreading lies and bull *****. Republicans will get the white house back. I can’t imagine he could do to much damage in 4 years. I’m sure it will be a ***** show but it will have its advantages. After 4 years of hearing how everything was Biden fault now it’s time for trump to produce. Let’s see what he can do? The floor is his. If he ***** it up the Dems will be back in 2028. And the wheels on the bus go round and round…
  4. I like to watch Kimmel and was getting sick of his trump bashing and you know how I feel about trump. I don’t turn his show on to hear his whole opening monologue about trump. In fact by that time of night I am tired of it and want a laugh. That was getting old even for me. Frankly it wasn’t funny.
  5. I’ve been thinking this for A while now. I’m not sure when it got so divided between tone two parties because I only started paying attention during covid? But nothing is being done for us because nether side will give an inch. Frankly I’m tired of it. I have never really posted how I feel about stuff because there is no good conversation on here and I just felt like trolling so you might not believe me and that fine. I don’t know how or if you can do democracy without a two party system, that is above my pay grade. I doubt you can. But this is the next best thing I would guess. I never wanted one side to have all the power, I don’t care if it was D or R, because I was afraid of one side having everything shoved down their throat. But nothing is getting done like that. We need to get sh it done for us!
  6. I am at $2.84 where I am at. It was $2.79a few weeks back.
  7. I don’t know why but I’m finding posts like this funny today. also I’m am not sure how anyone has ever watched the view? I agree with most of this. But I have not heard one word about the age of a candidate since Biden dropped out. And please don’t try to argue that trump is fine mentally. He is losing it also. So no the media was not totally against trump. I remember getting sick of hear about Biden age ever day. Yes they were right but it was the 24/7 news cycle till Biden dropped out. And I heard plenty of lib media getting calling out Harris for not doing interviewers and saying what her policy would be.
  8. I hope republicans get the house. I’m tired of the two party system and all the fighting in Congress and senate. The Dems fought trump every step of the way his first term, republicans wanted party back and fought Biden tooth and nail. I don’t know how it was before that, I didn’t pay attention to politics then, I’m sure it was the same way.
  9. Yes that was to get under your skin! It worked obviously!!! If any of you ever had any honesty I might have tried to have a conversation. That ass hol Biden is fit is still lying. You guys won’t change. If he could defend trump he would. Thanks for telling me I was right “ Biden”.
  10. My portfolio has been going up for a few years now. Unexpectedly very nicely. I remember about 2 years ago my financial planner called me in. After listening to the news and other asshols talking about how bad everything was I was sure I was going in to hear bad news. I remember just hoping and thinking of I had lost only 50% of its value it would be good. I didn’t want to have to start over. I was shocked, it has doubled in value, I was actually being brought in to be told I would now be getting the white glove treatment. His words. It was at that point I knew all this stuff was bull ***** and not to listen to any of it. I got called in again this year this still going up nicely. This was back in April when all we heard about was how bad everything is. Laughable. If people want to fix prices and inflation they better hold the people responsible that actually deserve it or it will be more of the same. That I totally get. I’ve said a million times I can’t believe this was the best we could do for candidates. People didn’t even choose Harris. That didn’t sit well with me.
  11. You don’t like someone for calling a spade a spade? I’m fine with that. Don’t confuse trolling for anger or how I really feel. I’ll be fine, 4 years is a short time. I’m really angry I’m sure, I’ve only said on here I don’t know how many times I was fine with him winning, I want to see how things magically get cheaper. The show is on the other foot now. If he doesn’t produce… Oh so you can’t prove me wrong. Big shocker there. Weak. You’re a joke. Get lost maggot.
  12. Prove me wrong then. Start with ripping off contractors. Our raping women. How about stealing from charities. If you were ever once honest I might have tried to have a decent conversation. No decent conversation when you trump supporters won’t acknowledge anything he did. I did the next best thing, try to get under your skin. That proved to be very easy with you mental midgets. I’m fully aware of what I posted. When I first came on here I don’t come here with both guns blazing. When I realized you are all just disingenuous liars i just wanted to have fun. I don’t give a fu ck what you have to say. If you don’t like what I have to say keep scrolling. These people don’t get that. They are too fuc ken stupid. They have never looked into what type of oil we drill and what we do with it. They have no clue what type of oil the refineries are set up for! Note you are way over their heads. They just bought the sound bite “drill baby drill”. LOL
  13. Yeah, that ought to work. Did you forget that the USA set records producing barrels of oil under Biden? Drilling won’t work. Only the magic wand will.
  14. Oh how quickly you forget who called trump a fascist. Basically every member of his cabinet. Trump and you morons never insulted anyone I’m sure! lol what an ass. I’m sure the transition should be easy right. All is old cabinet will be working for him again right? He was such a good president the first time around. Out of what? About 45 people he will need to replace 41 of them LOL. you ***** for brains are going to get what you deserve. I can’t wait for the chants to start, “ hang JD Vance”
  15. Does it matter what I say? It matters what trump does. He better deliver. and at what point of me posting on here did you ever get the idea that I give a ***** what you have to say? Just because you idiots voted him in doesn’t mean what I posted was wrong. Did he not steal from children’s charities? Does he not rip off contractors? I could go on and on. You think him winning changes that? If you think it does you are dumber than I thought and that is saying something because I think there might be only one person on here that is dumber than you.
  16. It will be interesting to see how much money cabinet seats are up for sale for? The old billionaires club. Add about 8 trillion to the deficit again.
  17. I posted on here and told my brother months ago that I was fine with trump winning because I want to see how all the prices of everything magically fall? I feel bad for the waitresses who believed him when he said he wouldn’t tax their tips. Boy are they in for a rude awakening. $1.79/gallon gas. Drill baby drill. I’m going to laugh when you idiots realize that an oil company won’t drill if it not profitable. Hopefully people will start paying attention to how things work.
  18. The gas prices better be under 2 dollars a gallon by spring! They elected trump so yeah I agree with this.
  19. Biden isn’t trump you done have any worries. Inflation is already under control, gas prices are going down. He better produce. America wanted him they got him. They get what they deserve
  20. I think in this day and age people are smart enough to see through the media. I don’t care what network I’m watching, I always take it with a grain of salt. This kind of stuff is getting old really. People don’t like being called nazis or racist? Fine. You’re saying someone is very brain dead if they just believe everything the news says. If they just believe it they get what they deserve.
  21. Right. Law and order and all. I’m sure you would feel the same way if libs did it right you dolt.
  22. I hope you guys are right. It’s put up or shut up time.
  23. It’s definitely put up or shut up time. Enact all the laws you can. Drill baby drill. Do whatever you think you need to do. The pressure is on now. Let’s see what trump can do. It sounds like you have the senate and mostly likely the House. Now’s the time!
  24. That is just stupid. Personally for me anyway it’s what the building and institution that got attacked represents. What was going on in there. America is supposed to be the seat of democracy in the world. That is not just some building on the 300 block of Main St any town USA. You are free to disagree with me. I don’t give a ***** what someone’s opinion is, it is yours you are free to have it. I’m free to have mine. If someone don’t like it move on. But I never supported any protests anywhere at anytime. Nor have I ever been involved in one and I hope to never even have the misfortune of being anywhere near one. At least I was smart enough to not vote for trump. To be clear I didn’t vote for Harris either.
  25. The polling is never right, usually it’s just the 800 people dumb enough to answer their phone from an unknown number. Did I say they were angles? Please point that out. I’ll wait. In fact please point out one time on here ever I posted something good about Dems? Go ahead and search all my posts and share it. I’ll wait.
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