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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Just crazy. Maybe republicans should do something about gun laws. It’s on you guys now. What are you going to do? Lock up a thief should help with mass shootings right?
  2. He was found guilty by a jury of 12. He’s is a convict and will always be one.
  3. Very well thought out and highly informed post!
  4. Oddly Dems cheated in 2020 but not this year, the most important election in history?
  5. Hey, I had a good answer. The old trump fall back, file for bankruptcy! Stiff all govt contractors!!
  6. Sounds like they will get the house. Everything is on the right. They will be responsible for everything! Let’s see what they can do? The whole world is watching.
  7. The stock market has been doing great for years now. Yesterday was nothing new. Yes it spiked because of the election but I have been telling people to invest for a long time. My maga brother wouldn’t listen to me all he would listen to is Fox News and how bad everything is. He has been thinking the bottom will fall out for 4 years now. His loss dumb ass.
  8. Boy you guys are onto something here. Quick take this evidence to court. This was solved on a football message board, that’s wonderful! No wonder you guys feel for trump and are caught up in a cult!
  9. No Doubt they are bad policies, if I’m not mistaken I heard California is doing away with those soft on crime laws. I think part of the reason is also states are so poorly run they don’t have near enough corrections officers. Old ones retired and they are not getting new ones. Guys are working triple shifts etc… prisons are closing. This country is a mess. Govt doesn’t do sh it for us and I don’t care who is in charge. Who said a victim doesn’t count?
  10. Right. Of course it is.
  11. It was posted earlier. All the votes weren’t counted yet. When the are all counted the overall turnout will be about same. People stopped paying attention to the count because trump won, for some reason people think the count was done.
  12. Oh I forgot, red states and cities have zero crime. No school shooters, nothing. It’s incredible no one has ever seen anything like it. It’s huge.
  13. So what happened to you that you can’t live on $110,000? Did you try to move to Beverly Hills? But a hyper sports car? Bad investments. We have a family of 6 and don’t make that much, I haven’t worked full time in two years and almost not at all for the last year. We have had to sell some stock to help out but we are getting by for now. I’m curious how inflation hit you so hard? Honest question. Yes because crime never existed before. You could always walk down the streets of nyc safe dating back to when I was a kid. Just 4 years ago the had their first murder ever it was huge. No one ever seen anything like it! They said sir what happened? I said I forgot to pay off Epstein so they killed him.
  14. I agree with this. I’m not sure what good protesting is going to do. On the flip side republicans can learn something from this. Hairs conceded, she has to explain to trump what that meant. Biden invited trump to the White House and said there will be a peaceful transfer of power. If I was Harris I won’t have conceded seeing trump still hasn’t from 2020. Out and there will be no storming of the Capitol because you don’t like the outcome. Let’s get back to normal. Preach brother!
  15. This is the bills m.o. , nothing new. Other teams will always be able to run on the bills because of the scheme they play. The bills never want to get burned by the big pass play. They count on being able to get you off the field before you score. What tarron said was not news.
  16. Why would I take a break? Maybe you should. Go get therapy or better yet educate yourself. Why do you think trump wants to do away from the dept of education? Truth hurts.
  17. Anything like 1/6 yet? I didn’t think so. The leader of 1/6 is back in charge. What a country. Definitely 3rd world country we live in.
  18. I love that quote. “ use your brain”. Maga use their brain? Hell no, they wild rather dabble in conspiracy theories.
  19. Nothing. You are missing nothing. It was all a scare tactic by trump that maga fell for.
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