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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You idiots are allergic to the truth. It just kills your to admit one of your own might be shady. White trash.
  2. A Republican started the investigation, Bill bar. And if it’s nothing why did a resign two days before it was supposed to come out? They should just release the report if it’s a big nothing burger. What harm can there be?
  3. 17. It’s a know fact. They are not going to investigate if the girl was old enough.
  4. Did you think people were going to sit around crying cause he won? This is exactly what I expected from him. I can’t wait for the clown car to pull into the White House! The fun has just begun. You will be crying while we laugh at his dumb ass.
  5. Who’s hysterical? Laughing hysterically maybe. Get a grip.
  6. Coping? I’m laughing. While I get why trump is picking these puppets to stick it to the establishment is that really an effective way to govern. maga laughs at Dems for things they did, that was the reason the election was a landslide. also maga, hold my beer. You think the Dems ***** up governing what till you see what we do? Biden and the Dems got voted out. There is another election in 4 short years. The whole world is watching. Republicans have complete control, it’s all on you. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Dems learned the hard way, looks like that is the only way republicans will learn.
  7. Oh I’m more than willing to deal with him. What could go wrong? You guys want to support a pedo? Your days are already numbered. Ha ha.
  8. He sounds exactly like a Donald trump kind of guy, like a son trump took under his wing and showed him the ropes. No wonder trump picked him for AG.
  9. It won’t improve the lives of anybody but this is no surprise. We all knew, including his cult, that this is who he is. Any word yet on how he’s going to bring the price of groceries down? or bring down the price of other goods? Do these idiots think just because he says “ drill baby drill” that the oil companies will drill more? They don’t drill unless it benefits them. Um lower oil prices does not benefit them.
  10. Just getting ready for the kakistocracy.
  11. I would rather him (and anyone else who is hurt) get healthy for the playoffs. The bills won this game the last three years and lost in the playoffs.
  12. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
  13. I’m not here to change your mind. I want him confirmed. We have a pedophile/ rapist for president elect might as well have a pedophile for AG.
  14. Don’t you think the orange as shole is doing this on purpose? Why is shitler appointing these puppets? Is he just a *****en idiot we all knew he was? Or is he some sort of genius?
  15. You really believe this? No wonder you voted for trump. Bill Barr launched the investigation. He was trumps lap dog. Why did gates resign two days before the ethics report came out? But I hope he gets confirmed. What could go wrong lol?
  16. Valid reason to pick someone. It should work out well.
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