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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. I'm not going to argue with you about the crap job done by the current administration Coming from someone who never had an original thought.
  2. I wish you well with all your health issues, it has got to be tough to deal with day in and day out. People I know always ask me about my back and I tell them it is not going to kill me so I'm good. I never understood the big argument about masks. I hated them, never wanted to wear one, but I always had one on when I went into the store. Did they help? They may not be full proof? But it didn't hurt me to stay one. It sure wasn't worth arguing and protesting about. As soon as I got outside I took it off. I sad never harmed out deprived of anything. I just see Americans as big selfish babies, me me me.
  3. The left lost. I didn't lose. You also lost and are just to stupid to realize it yet.
  4. The ***** show is just getting started. Maga is nothing but a bunch of redneck idiots!
  5. Good for you, you get a cookie. I know a family that lost 3 people to civics I know yep others with long term covid. I'm sure you don't care about anyone who does from it. I know masks never existed before covid and I never seen anyone in public that has a compromised immune system wearing a mask.
  6. Where you going?
  7. What i would expect from you, pure stupidity!
  8. If you want false info and lies just get on TBD and read all the ***** you guys spew!
  9. I'm loving President musk and Steve bannon fighting! That ashore hasn't even taken office yet.
  10. Two home grown terrorist and you want to talk about the border? ***** you idiot. Maga dumb Ass! I see this thread was started in 2015, why didn't Trump fix this then #######?
  11. I appreciate the well thought out response. I really do. I'm sure I don't know enough about the subject to get into it too much. I just don't care for the bull ***** responses, shooting from the hip, turning this political. Waka sis he couldn't wait for 1/20, neither i. He thinks things will change? Terrorist attacks only started on us soil when Biden took office. The right hadthe floor, Let's see what they can do? Lol
  12. If you weren't a *****en idiot and shoot from the hip and turn a tragedy political and make it worse he wouldn't have to. You want to make it political? Let's look at the republican failures like Trump not wanting troops in Syria to go after isis at its source. A lot more i can get into but not really what I want to do.
  13. Lol idiot. They didn't say it wasn't, they don't file it terrorism until, they investigate.
  14. How are you whit trash Putin lovers going to try to spin Russia shooting down another passenger plane?
  15. No worries anymore. Trump is going to fix everything. I’m sure the prices of everything should be down soon!
  16. Too late. I’m already having fun. Greenland, Panama Canal, Canada? *****en clown show!
  17. This is going to be a fun 4 years.
  18. He’s an idiot. Big phony, that is why he didn’t last long in the race.
  19. Hahahaha. You are still full of crap out yourself. Why do I want to try to talk about something with a person who twist everything I say to fit your narrative. I must have meant so and so or I don’t talk about something because of this or that. You have created your own version of everything. I’m fine with letting you live in your little world. people get along with you because you are polite to them. I see thru your *****.💩
  20. He’s indicted himself. I don’t read The NY Times. ***** you. Defend him. I’m all for him serving. Did I call for him to go to jail? I’d rather he represent trump. Those two pieces of ***** deserve eachother. And why didn’t Florida bring charges against him? He’s friends with the Florida ag. Why do you think he acts like he does? Friends in high places, scum like you that defend him. You don’t just think he’s not guilty (till you see evidence) you defend him. If evidence was put in front of you you would pull a len and spin it, try to say the republicans on the ethics committee were rinos. Pathetic. Matt gates is not worth arguing with you lowlifes about.
  21. Blah blah blah. You got more *****. I can’t read this drivel. You like Matt? Good for you, defend him. I’m all for him being trumps ag. Tells me more about you than him. Spin dr. Full of *****.
  22. Like I told Leo. Proving something in court and an ethics committee are two very different things. Other than that I haven’t paid much attention to it so that is obviously just a guess. I still haven’t heard all of what the report said. The guy is a dirt bag, I didn’t need the report to know that.
  23. I knew you would have some way to spin it. i don’t comment on a lot of topics that are talked about on here. And I’m sure we have never seen the authorities know who their man is in a particular crime but can’t or don’t bring charges because they don’t have evidence that will stand up in court. That’s never happened in USA history before. An ethics committee and a court of law are two very different things. And are you saying that the Biden doj didn’t want to prosecute Matt gatez? A Republican? I’m not sure what you #######s are getting at anyway. matt gates is a piece of ***** that you guys are in love with you love trump I’m not shocked you love a guy with the character of Matt. If you want him in charge of the doj go ahead. Trump is running *****en clown show anyway. If a piece odd *****. Pedo rapist like trump can be president I’m sure they can find a spot for Matt.
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