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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Right. It was down 1 300 yesterday. You do the math. Oh wait never mind.
  2. The stock market is crashing so badly is almost as if someone is running the country who went bankrupt 6 times.
  3. Trump is doing great! Prices came doesn't day one just like he promised! Cars are going to be selling like hotcakes.
  4. This is why I just swear at them and call them names, much more fun. They are *****en morons.
  5. Whatever mother *****. Time to deliver.
  6. No doubt the dems didn't do themselves any favors last night. But the fact remains trump is a lying hack who is a moron. He spewed a lot of bull *****. His honeymoon is over, there is only so long you can keep blaming Biden. He will still need to deliver, republicians need to deliver. All these culture war fights mean nothing, they don't help anybodys wallet. Sucking Putins dick, not a good look. He looks very weak.
  7. Trump is the swamp. What was his price? How much did Putin have to pay him?
  8. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. We can start with the amount of people over 100 years old getting paid social security. After that I couldn't listen to his crap much and shut it off. Lol your 400lbs. Fat ass no room top talk. Lick me ***** for brains.
  9. Testament to his character? Now thats laughable. Good stuff really! The problem with the way the dems acted besides proving that they are ass holes, no one is talking about what trump said. The bits and pieces I watched were his typical lies and really who can watch that bull *****? ***** him really. But now no one is talking about what he actually said. The dems took him off the hook.
  10. It makes me wonder how past generations acted? I didn't like it when mtg, bobert acted like ass clowns and I didn't like it tonight. You don't heckle a president. Period. I won't argue with that. They look like #######s.
  11. I'm not worried about them. Trump will drive them away. I'm not running the country. People won't vote based on what I say, they will vote based on what trump does.
  12. Who's the twelve? Unlike trump I posted facts. And that's what was off the top of my head. I'm sure I can come up with more. The truth really bothers you people!
  13. Russian Sociologist Says American Ruling Elite Now Following ‘Typically Soviet Traditions’ – OpEd https://flip.it/_mHNhq
  14. Why would he want to? Not his worry anymore. But he is obviously still in your head.
  15. Yes and you are already losing those people. You guys will always stick his dick. The other side will always piss on his shoe. It's the independents, the morons who voted for him because they thought a man who was a crook and has filed for bankruptcy multiple times would be better for the economy. He got the swing states. He can and will just as easily lose them. Trump is the swamp.
  16. Half of what trump did? Tank the stock market? Alienate our allies? Pull his pants down for Putin? Fire the people protecting our nukes? Cut cancer research? I can go on but you get the point, it's a clown show.
  17. Trump as always. People can see thru his lies and bull *****. Maga is brain washed.
  18. Trump is a Russian asset. Who stands for that? They used to get thrown in jail when this was a real country. Now it's run by clowns.
  19. The clown is still running his yapper? What a mess.
  20. This thread is not aging well. What a ***** show.
  21. Russia is your only ally, literally! The whole world hates Trump and Maga. So there's that.
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