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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. My heart breaks for them. Very sad news.
  2. You forgot about Cory Dillion. That guy has a rap sheet as long as his arm.
  3. Who wants to see his micro penis? That's why he doesn't want the tape released. He's embarrassed.
  4. One thing I notice about bills fans. It's always "next year" not this year. Or not next year but "the year after". I think we should never expect anything and when the small chance comes that they actually make a run we are all just pleasantly surprised.
  5. Rejuvenate? The kid just finished his rookie year! And good for jp. Hopefully he gets the job and does well.
  6. Never. I hate the Chris brown company fluff articles.
  7. Bills are the worst team by far. They have a good shot at 0-16 and getting blown out every week. They are obviously tanking.
  8. Maybe with the point spread but no way the bills win this game outright. They 0% chance to win.
  9. Another rebuilding year. Again. 4 win team.
  10. Want t there a thread on this **** already? Sully sure had a lot of readers for so many people hating him. I never had a problem with him. Not saying I always agreed with him. He is a sports columnist, which is to say his opinion is irrelevant so it never bothered me. To many candy assess that can't handle the criticism about their team.
  11. One quarterly loss in 40 and you gut the sports department? Sounds like management needs to be shown the door.
  12. So you also read where sully was one of the most read columnists at tbn.
  13. Cause the pegulas pulled $250,000 worth of business from the paper. It was in the article if you read it. That was in the article.
  14. If you read that article it said sully was still one of the most read columnists at the paper. Bland and boring is what people want and that is what you will get. Some of the worst sports teams in pro sports over the years. Chris Brown fluff is what pse wanted and that is what they will get. Weather people agreed with all the articles or not the buffalo news had a great sports section, especially for such a small market. Not anymore.
  15. Sad news. Tim is a good writer. Sad what is happening to the buffalo news overall. They had a very good sports section!
  16. He was always angry. He was poetry in motion.
  17. If your a bills fan and above 40 you remember these guys.
  18. Not surprised the bills got screwed against the pats.
  19. Typical buffalo. It's all the tanning staffs fault. TheBills will win it all now.
  20. Sad news. I wish him and his family the best.
  21. The president of the US is a racist and people don't care.
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