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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Excellent game plan executed almost to perfection. Man were they ready for this game!
  2. They should have been fined a lot more, that is why they did it, that is pocket change to them!
  3. I’m not going to say you are wrong but the game before the refs really stuck it to us!
  4. They all are. Does anyone know exactly what happened to Matt Milano?
  5. Did you not watch the game? He was in on mahomes a few times.
  6. I was thinking before the game that the team would rally around the coach. They did and I think that article might have saved our season!
  7. That’s why guys like Tony always do this kind of stupid stuff. No accountability!
  8. The didn’t run much 12 personnel the last few games with Knox out.
  9. Explained in one word (name) Knox. I was not happy when he was activated. Back to 12 personnel. Not much kincade or shakier. 12 personnel needs to go. If they have to cut Knox to get rid of it I’m fine with it.
  10. I am completely shocked they won. I was writing them off.
  11. They suck. It’s like watching a clown show.
  12. Knox came back and the offense is stuck in the mud again! No kincade. No shakier!
  13. Back to drought mentality, time to start the rebuild. Stick a fork in them, they are done!
  14. This games over. No one can get open. I’m watching the San Fran game also and they always have wr open.
  15. That macdermott admitted to what he said makes him more credible!
  16. I laugh at the one sided hit job. First there was some positive in there on him. And if macdermott gave him something positive to talk about maybe he would have. But that is not macdermotts personality. The guy is a narcissist control freak. That is what the article is about. This team is tanking and it shouldn’t be. This is a big reason why it is. Dunn laid that out for us. This team is tighter than a nuns wowo and it it’s a reflection of the head coach.
  17. I get that but he was a reporter first. He has made lots of contacts etc. as a reporter which separates him from the millions of content creators. My son is a content creator (blogger), in fact one of his tweets was posted in this article. The is a huge difference between my son and Tyler Dunn. The bills turned down my son for press credentials also because they said the don’t give them to reporters. That is why these people who say he has an ax to grind because he got turned down are off base. They have to be like that with Dunn because they are like that with the rest of them and Dunn knows it.
  18. He’s been a reporter for as long as I have known about him. God bless him for trying to do it for himself. Hating on him don’t change what is going on at obd. The only thing that I care about all this is how it affects the bills on the field. these are all things we have seen bits and pieces of over the years and now they are just being laid out in full. It is obviously having an affect on the team during games. The proof is in the record. Is it a big deal that he used terrorists as an example? I’ll let you decide but we see how his mind works and he chokes under pressure late in games.
  19. Sour grapes. His job is not to time his articles to your liking. His job is to report and make money off his website. The thing is I don’t think he has gained any subscribers. 52 pages and not one person has posted the whole article for everyone to read? I’m not paying 8 bucks to read one article.
  20. I was just coming here to say this! Now he’s coaching to keep his job!
  21. A good number of people already dis like him. This just confirm things. Now you know why a team with a top 3 qb and talented roster is 6-6.
  22. Yeah this is nuts. I’m not surprised with him.
  23. I don’t care to see 12 personnel anymore. Considering Knox’s contract his days are numbered here unless they stick with 12 personnel.
  24. If you are depressed get some help. Talk to a friend or family. Sometimes depression can be temporary sometimes worse. I know I was in a prolonged state of depression and having kids helped pull me out of it because my life suddenly had meaning in everything I did! Who knows what might help you but something or someone will help you.
  25. This is exactly how I feel. Thankfully, I am not a season ticket holder. I took my son to the Denver mn game and personally I didn’t even want to go to that. After turnovers on the first two drives I refused to cheer or say much. By mid 4th qtr I told myself I might as well get into it, I played for the tickets. Of course I got kicked in the nuts for my effort!
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