Wow. People are very ignorant. “Non working life”?
i was a floor, carpet installer. I would go in a house, move all the furniture, rip all the carpet up, install all the new carpet, put all the furniture back. Did it all without taking a break or eating lunch so I could get home at a decent time to have dinner with my family. Very physical job.
i always said my wife worked way harder than me. If I was home at 5-6 o’clock she had dinner for me and I was relaxing. She was still going doing stuff 8 or 9 at night. Same thing on the weekends. So was going all weekend doing stuff, I might be doing something around the house on Saturday, definitely watching football on Sunday. I was happy to get up and go to work and happy to get home. But I would not trade places with her, she worked way harder than I did!
All these people talking about she had money, let that be a lesson to you about money not making you happy. Very myopic take!