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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. So you base your life and weather you enjoy it based on the economy? No wonder you people are miserable!
  2. Dude I’m not going to re hash what was going on in the country when he left office. It’s a waste of my time conversing with people who will defend him at all costs. I’m not going to tell people to vote for him or Biden. if you want to vote for trump go ahead. but just call it like it is. he’s an ####### and dangerous for the country, admit it and then go vote for him. People just make themselves look stupid trying to defend him. I would have more respect for people if they would just call it like it is.
  3. I’m all for it. Do it. Clean house. I don’t know much of what happened then outside of trump winning, I don’t think I was paying much attention at that time.
  4. And you know that he did? That is why I asked the question if there was more to it let me know. Right now it is just a free market society type of thing. Until you have proof it is more you have no point!
  5. Like I never have. Get real! We’re producing the most oil ever under Biden. Is it his fault? meanwhile oil companies are making record profits and laughing at you for blaming politics because they are getting away with price gouging you and flying under the radar. Lesson? Invest in oil companies!
  6. To be clear I’m not trying to say there are no problems. I’m more just laughing at the country is completely ruined statement. And I’m not advocating for anybody to vote for Biden. You vote for who you want. Like I said before, it’s like trying to choose between a wet fart and a turd. It’s not like you have many choices who to choose from. as for accomplishments from what I can see neither side can accomplish anything with all the fighting. What has Congress done? All they do is fight. Republicans can’t get what they want done same for the Dems. No one compromise. in any Americans day to day life what has either side done? One thing that surprised the he’ll out of me, after listening for a few years the right trying to tell me how bad the economy was my investment guy called me in to talk. I thought to myself o ***** it is going to bad bad. I thought it probably lost half its value, actually I thought it would be good if that is all it lost! (Retirement account). It more than doubled and it was going to the parent company to be managed and I was going to get the white glove treatment from them. I was shocked! If you and others want to spew your bull ***** about how bad it is be my guest.
  7. Obviously I have been following them the last few years. I told you my brother started talking to me while trump was president, during the start of the pandemic. That whole thing was eating at him. Let’s just say I graduated high school before the bills Super Bowl run and it took till the pandemic time frame before I payed attention to anything. I knew enough to know who the current president was but I didn’t care who or what party he was from. i wouldn’t think this stuff would be too hard to understand or that I would need to explain it that much?
  8. They are not even close to the same thing? The sale of house compared to going for loans and paying taxes? Weather you think trump should be charged or not is a different story but don’t try to claim they are the same. believe me, if I can sell my house for $600,000 and its worth only $400,000 I will take the larger amount. If someone is willing to pay it that is what it is worth. i was a contractor and some of them work the same way. Guys will charge an arm and a leg for a simple job but some people will pay it. It always amazed me. If there is more to the Stewart thing let me know because I didn’t read up on it.
  9. You got it. I have lots of opinions about both sides. Some of the Democratic stuff I won’t even get in a conversation about. So you won’t see me comment on it but I would never support abortion. And someone telling me I would have to support lgbtq or gay rights and marriage? Don’t ever tell me that. Nothing would piss me of more!! I don’t care what they do just don’t do it around me or try to tell me I have to accept it. Cancel me, I don’t care. But this is the only time I will comment on it so remember it because I could and would never support the left. Not too mention all the burning of police cars and buildings during protests which I just remembered. But do I have opinions? Yes, I like to call out the bull *****. And if you noticed (if I remember correctly) the only thing I comment on is stuff surrounding trump. I just hate all the lies and stuff surrounding him. And some other stuff with Biden, I’m not trying to defend him, he has enough crap Of hits own, I just don’t care for the revisionist history. It was a ***** show when he left office if you don’t want to see it that’s fine by me
  10. “Completely ruined our country”? LOL. The drama. I love how people try to rewrite history. I’m sure the last trump ***** store has nothing to do with what Biden inherited. I’m sure I it’s a conversation that is way above peoples heads. But there is a thing called supply and demand not to mention how the supply chain was thrown out of wack when the pandemic started. That was all started when trump was president. Try to deny it. ” but gas was cheap under trump “ I hear a lot. That’s because no one was driving anywhere. But that is above peoples heads. “The country is completely ruined” as he eats his 5 th meal of the day and is 40 I’ve overweight, after he drives him to his $500,000 house in a BMW.
  11. The spin doctors are out. Typical, an attempt was made to kill democracy, but who cares right? Let’s deflect blame, lie etc… this is why republicans will not get back the White House.
  12. I think it’s obvious he has never had as much money as he claims. That is why he has never released his taxes. The guy is obviously a fraud. I find it comical that people try to defend him.
  13. So this is about the sale of a penthouse? That is literally the free market society we live in! Thank you for clearing this up. I thought Stewart had some explaining to do Monday night on his show. Now it’s must see tv.
  14. I just want to enjoy my life and be happy. Are you guys all happy with all the bitching and fighting you do? That is one thing I had to talk to my brother about. I asked him one time when we were talking if he was happy? He asked me what I was talking about? I said every time I talk to him all he does is B word and complain. He listens to pod casts all day at work, Joe Rogan, other stuff like Fox News. There was always an issue that upset him every time we talked, sometimes for the whole conversation. Stupid stuff to. Like Pete Buttigieg taking family leave. Seriously? You going to sit home at night worrying about that? I’m not into that dudes lifestyle but who gives a crap if he takes family leave? I told him I was worried about his happiness/ mental health, stop listening to all that crap. I’m more upset that Texas metal is a repeat tonight!
  15. Yes it says I never wanted to for multiple reasons. I never paid attention so how do I choose someone? I couldn’t in good conscience vote for someone I knew nothing about or a party I knew nothing about. It would never matter here in NY no matter who I voted for. I don’t like politics or politicians, I don’t trust them. You know they are lying when their lips are moving. I have other reasons but that ids good enough for now on a message board. And locally, I don’t even watch the local news. I don’t even know who got shot or stabbed today around here and I love it! if trump wins I won’t be able to watch the national news. It’s not a slight against republicans, I just don’t like trump. I couldn’t watch Bidens state of the union. I don’t understand how someone could watch even 5 minutes of that ***** show
  16. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">OMG!! I&#39;ve been caught doing something not remotely similar to Trump! I guess all I need to do now is start a fraud college, steal classified docs, bankrupt casinos, pay hush money, grab pussies, discriminate in housing, cheat at golf and foment insurrection and you&#39;ll revere me!</p>&mdash; Jon Stewart (@jonstewart)
  17. Not everybody does it. And of course they went after him. Not because of politics but because he is a dick. I’m sure they wanted to go after him for years and finally had something to go on. He’s from New York they are from New York they hate him just like most New Yorkers. The lesson, don’t be a dick!
  18. No. I never have and never will. That is my freedom that I choose to exercise. I have never been interested in politics. I started paying attention enough to know I was right all along and I am currently trying to go back to paying less attention again. look how everyone acts on here. Politics is the only thing that people do or talk about that makes them act like school children. It’s worse on Twitter. A ship hita bridge and instantly people are starting conspiracy theories and blaming Biden and his team. It’s disgusting. Why would I align myself with either side in that nonesense? They might think that way I don’t know? But my brother admits that his views are out there. I’m the only person he will talk politics with, lucky me. I’ve told him a few times I don’t want to talk about it but then I feel bad and we talk about it sometimes when he calls. I got him a t-shirt of trump pissing on the cnn logo. He loved that!
  19. Pagulas are known to overplay their hand. It’s their business model. They are going to be embarrassed. This isn’t LA.
  20. I thought the 13 million barrels a day record was common knowledge? Nobody bothers to read up on this stuff and educate themselves before they comment on it? Not surprising. The US has always been the biggest producer of oil. This is nothing new. The US is the biggest consumer of oil, this is also not new.
  21. John Stewart was right on the money! The hypocrisy of these news outlets is sick, s well as O’Leary. I can’t believe that guy was stupid enough to go on tv and say that. Stewart was 100%spot on a few weeks back also about who and what a patriot is.
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