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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You don’t get it if you don’t put into it. Go ahead and try. If you put in a small amount that is all you get out of it. The more you put in the more you get out. Welfare? No. What it was intended to be? No. The politicians you worship can’t keep their hands off it.
  2. With you right wing nut jobs I’m sure you cried like babies. Got anymore good conspiracy theories? common post more trash. I thought you put me on ignore? What had happened. I may be a useful idiot but you are just an idiot. I find no use for you at all. Please expand your vocabulary beyond 10 words!
  3. I’m not that interested in the whole thing to waste my time.
  4. This thread speaks volumes considering the op calls everyone who think any different than him names. Very low intellect! Especially when it’s the same name for everyone and not even being used properly. He doesn’t even understand the term useful idiot or the sense that it is used in! LOL. What a mess! Another tagline a person with very limited thinking ability likes to use on here. Yes it is a mess and he is a huge part of that mess!
  5. First you can call me names all you want. It says way more about you than me. I don’t remember a lot about this from 7 years ago but I’m sure the right wanted her arrested. and if the fbi is going to be knocking on my door if I said something about either candidate they better do something with him. No I doubt they will say anything to him. and why does olbermen trigger you so much? People on both sides spew so much crap, If you get triggered by everything everyone said I feel sorry for you. That seems like a sad life to me. And it still is a fireable offense today. Just because you say it’s not doesn’t mean it’s not. You are just used to acting like a little child arguing with everyone and stomping your feet when you don’t get your way for so many years now. The adults in the room still wouldn’t put up with this.
  6. I kinda agree with this that is why I didn’t post the picture. It was bad, worse than I remembered. But if the so called leaders of this country don’t start to set the example there is no way everyone else stops fighting and starts listening to eachother.
  7. We all knew this. That was obvious. That is why all his followers are nuts.
  8. Kathy griffin anyone? Should I post the picture? She was basically canceled, even fired by cnn. If republicans want to prove they are better than show it
  9. Believe me I would rather invest my money also, but I’m am not going to jail for not paying SS. It will only be out of money because the politicians that everyone worships are stealing from it! And that goes for both sides!!
  10. Great post! And from what I’ve seen on here way over the majority of these guys heads. Mind blown!🤯
  11. You do realize you pay into social security don’t you? What you get out of it is based on what you put into it. Social security is the only govt benefit that pays for itself. You earned that money by working for it and putting money into it. If you don’t realize this please educate yourself.
  12. The guy is a *****en moron. Just a walking piece of human excrement! That tells you all you need to know about those who worship him. And to be clear, if you are not against him you are for him!
  13. You are right. But he has made it obvious that he is extremely limited in his thinking and reasoning ability!
  14. End this way? I’m just getting warmed up! Ignore list? Oh I’m so heart broken I won’t be able to carry on a conversation with someone with no brain cell’s. Just pure white trash!
  15. What was he going to say? Who needed hearings anyway? We seen it all play out on tv. What are you going to try to tell me I didn’t see it? Just like people try to say trump never placed the calls to the georgia Secretary of State trying to steal votes? But ***** democracy as long as your party has power right? Yeah your some great patriots LOL. Hey there he is with the only thing he can bring to the table. Keep showing us how limited you are!
  16. This is rich coming from someone who supports a guy how kisses Putins ass not to mention Kim Jung Un. how can you try to make a point that someone might take serious when you post this *****? You can’t. Dumb as a *****en stump. The guy who supporters trump who loves commies trying to call others commies. Keep talking, you keep showing everyone how limited your thinking is.
  17. Or. She is just calling it like it is and is honest about what is going on. You wouldn’t have a clue or the guts to do what she did. I have not read one intelligent post from you yet. What a mess!
  18. Anybody who took their medical advise from a politician or a tv personality got what they deserved. I have no sympathy for them.
  19. We’ll see how it plays out. I would doubt they would charge him and a judge rule against him if he didn’t break a law. I could be wrong of course. He will have his day in court again, and again and again and again and again and again and again. Your post will be brought back up.
  20. I don’t recall defending Biden. Someone asked what has done well under him. I answered. Defending him? Hardly. I get what you are saying about policies, that is exactly what I hear from my brother. If I don’t like a guy I can’t support him no matter what. I think republicans should have nominated someone else. I’m sure someone else would have supported the same policies without all the drama. That lady would have represented you guys well from what I seen of her. (I can’t think of her name) someone needs to explain to me when worship of politicians became a thing? They are politicians. Not even actors or athletes. Ah the useful idiots phrase again. You’re go to line, the only phrase you know. If the shoe fits…
  21. No kidding. I’m just like everyone else. I would suggest people try to find something good and learn from everything they go thru. If you are waiting for money to make you happy you will be waiting a long time. The pandemic certainly wasn’t the only time people have struggled with money. I have struggled a lot with it. I was 31 before I made a decent living and didn’t grow up with much at all. Maybe all that is what made me not freak out about the pandemic and sit around all stoned face like some on here did and expected me to? Anyway I learned not to base my happiness on the size of my wallet. It’s not what makes a person successful or happy!
  22. I don’t care if you agree with me. I didn’t expect you to. I obviously have opinions, I don’t share them outside of here. I’m still not voting no matter what my opinions are. I know that bothers you just like the fact that I know you are a trump guy bothers you. Do share why that bothers you? I’m sure everyone on here cares about what you think. You are the only one who cares what I think. Why? Are you obsessed with me? Should I worry shout a stalker now?
  23. Who was in office when the country was shut down? Oh that’s right your buddy trump! Our are you one of the people that like revisionist history? Did I say I didn’t feel bad for people who lost their jobs? Did I say I didn’t feel bad for people who lost their lives to covid? Was I going to sit around like I was at a funeral for two years? No. You make an awful lot of assumptions for not knowing someone. Awful butt hurt because I try to make the best of bad situations in my life. I’m fine with it! You be miserable, I won’t lose sleep.
  24. Did you look it up? What laws apply to this and why they were written? Or are you one of those people that doesn’t understand something and just ***** about it and tries to say the doj has been weaponized?
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