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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Actually you are exactly what I expected. I know very successful people that support trump. No takers on trying to tell me what I saw on January 6? Come on, I want to hear how you guys are trying to re write history. I think republicans would be better off to own it and move on. You just make yourself look worse trying to tell people what they watched. At least you are not killing babies like Dems! admit you love trump even tho he’s an asshat. I would have more respect for that than you trying to tell people he’s a great guy. Republicans should easily take back the White House but because of all your ***** and supporting trump you have no chance. Read the article. You are twisting it. Don’t try to tell me your a teacher or something and your reading comprehension is that bad!!! And no, my wife doesn’t add stress to my life. I’m not like you guys and don’t ever confuse that again!! She’s a great person, we have been together nearly 40 years and we don’t fight at all!
  2. Seriously? What was lied about? Those cops weren’t just trying to live their lives when trump summoned hell on them? Tell me how you see it? What happened that day. Nice try trying to play the victim card! Doesn’t work. I want facts or shut up and sit down sparky! I will listen to any facts.
  3. Everyday stress compared to stress like that? For him? What’s a Capitol cop deal with every day? Running people thru metal detectors? Checking id’s? I will listen to an M.E. Before I listen to some random guy on a message board. i told you i was open to listening if you had proof that day didn’t play a role. Present it. And what? are you going to try to tell me what I watched live on 1/6. Please do, this ought to be interesting.
  4. Your turn boys! Anybody want to argue with that?
  5. https://people.com/crime/brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes-riot-played-role-says-medical-examiner/ The m.e. Says right in this article that all that transpired that day played a role in what happened to him. His words not mine. Read the article. You don’t need the death of one officer to prove that trump does not back the blue. Over 100 officers injured. what did he expect would happen when you tell a hyped up mob that “we are going to march to the capitol “ and “you got to fight like hell”? And then watched that ***** show unfold for 3-4 hours before he calls off the dogs?
  6. I shouldn’t have called him a liar, more like I strongly dis agree. I never seen anyone say they were not related and I find it hard to believe the are not. But if he has proof I’ll listen. i removed liar from that last post to strong of wording… my bad!
  7. My guess is they were gracious and welcoming. As much as I dislike the guy I would let him come to my brothers wake if he was inclined to do so if he died in the line of duty! I feel the office of the president of the USA deserves respect no matter who he is and if you agree with him or not.
  8. LOL! Yes he has a clot but to say the two had nothing to do with eachother I’ve never seen that. Post proof of you got it, I’ll believe it if it’s a reputable source.
  9. Ask Sicknicks family how they felt about trump going to the officers wake last week! Speaking of which over 1000 officers died in the line of duty while trump president. how many wakes did he go to during that time? 0!!!
  10. This is a…I found you to be better than most of the white trash on here. Don’t try to rewrite history it says more about you than trump or what happened that day. I removed list part. Too strong wording.
  11. I love your posts, I learn something everyone you post! Keep posting!!
  12. I didn’t “retort” because you are not with engaging with. You are full of hate. I hate the act not the person. I don’t like that life style and would never support lgbtq. They start to themselves and we are all good. But hate the person? No. I’m glad you are happy where you live. It’s a great place if I could get my wife to move i would but she won’t leave her mom.
  13. Dude whatever? If you wanna hate. Then go ahead, it’s a free country. I don’t live near the falls so I don’t know what they did. I wouldn’t be into the gay pride crap either. I now them they ignore me. You wouldn’t have a problem in my area but I would rather you stay there in the ATL with all your hate. Don’t need that here either.
  14. Completely and totally wrong about wny!
  15. This is just silly. I can’t believe you wouldn’t like someone because of their politics? Atlanta is a great area. I have a friend there and visited it many times. In wny, in the smaller rural areas republicans and dems do fine. I don’t see a lot of fighting over politics anyway. Maybe that’s cause I stay out of it. I don’t know how nyc is? I’ve never been to that city nor have I ever had a desire to go there. i would never let politics keep me from visiting or moving to a city, unless people are as close minded as you and the fighting over politics is out in the open and there is no peace. If you can’t get along with another person especially over politics you need to look in the mirror.
  16. Whoever would give him that kind of money needs to have their head examined! I wouldn’t give him a dime!
  17. I read that article thru one of my apps on my phone before it was posted here. It did mention that the population in the state is still increasing 2to1 if I remember It right. But the articles focus was on people leaving. I think it even n mentioned Texas is increasing. I would never move to or stay out of a state because of politics. At least that’s the way I always was. If the fighting is too bad I can see it not being worth going somewhere.
  18. The day is still young my friend. We’ll see where it levels out at? From what I understand he can’t touch that for like 6 months anyway and unless he gets permission from the board. That is why he is still begging for money.
  19. Well I don’t blame you for not believing anything. I just don’t see a reason to argue over a pointless article? Florida works out for some and not for others. whatever. I never could understand why everyone wants to move to Florida. I’ve always wanted to go out west. And it has nothing to do with politics. My wife didn’t want to go and I didn’t want to make her.
  20. Yea, I’m sure I am. Whatever you say LOL.
  21. We all knew this would happen. I would never have touched that stock. He’s selling bibles, he can’t read, he doesn’t go to church and people who bought them from him before didn’t get them and couldn’t get their money back. He’s begging people for money now. I thought people were hurting for money? I thought he was worth 6 billion? I hope these idiots give him all their money and they end up broke!
  22. Your thread is trash, that is why you have to keep bumping it. That should be telling you something!
  23. Idiots like this, no wonder she left. One persons story and you are butt hurt over an article that means basically nothing. Too funny!
  24. What is the purpose of the insurance companies making people replace roofs that are only 9 years old or less? Did they change how they construct them because of the hurricanes? Seems pointless if the whole house is laying on the ground but the roof is intact laying on top of the debris or blown away in one piece?
  25. They can support trump and Putin, it’s a free country. Just don’t call yourself a patriot!
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