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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. More spam and trash. Useless.
  2. Useful idiots? I have never seen you post anything useful. You are a dumb ass! If I was here to try to learn anything I certainly wouldn’t learn anything from you! Spam is all you do. I’m sure you are too dumb to fact check the ***** you post!
  3. Keep spamming the board. I’m starting to think you are the creep and weirdo!
  4. Useful idiots lol. You are not useful. I may be an idiot but at least I’m useful. You believe this crap? Lol someone just happened to find a journal? Right. I’m starting to think you are not ok. you just spam this side of the board with all this horse *****! now trump is saying Biden does cocaine. I’m sure Biden has killed raped, robbed banks, home invasions etc… all before breakfast. And trump has the hits for his daughter. maybe this country needs some better candidates? I’m not sure it would help?
  5. I never said you are wasting your time here, at least that’s not what I meant if that’s the way it came out. Talking is good. The problem is no one listens. You guys been fighting about the same ***** for years, did anyone ever change someone else’s mind? Everything’s so extreme one side or the other. I think when trump ids gone it will finally get better. It might be worth having him win so he can’t run again in 4 years and will just go away. If anything I’m wasting my time. I’m sure sooner rather than later, probably when the weather gets better, I will have had enough. We’ll find out. All I’ll say is nothing would shock me at this point.
  6. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it ain’t a good thing. But doomed? The hyperbole cracks me up.
  7. Oh no we’re doomed, what shall we ever do? LOL
  8. Now he’s trying to defraud the court! Screwed up the paper work on purpose. Lawyers don’t ***** that stuff up! This ####### so stupid it’s laughable!
  9. Trumps check for $175 million bounced. Big shock!! Technically is was returned for correction. he has a chance to re submit. But no financial statement was submitted and no lawyer name was on Paper work. The guy is such a fraud! LOL 😂
  10. That’s exactly it. Houston has to pay this years salary about 18-19 million. But all that signing bonus that was spread out over the life of the contract accelerated to this years cap. Signing bonus money spread out is not tradable.
  11. Once you realize trump works for Russia everything he does makes sense.
  12. He definitely has some mental issues. That is why i always laugh when people try to say stuff about Biden. Whatever people want to say about Biden (and I’m not saying they are wrong) can be said about trump! The guy proves every time he speaks the he is demented! Neither trumps or Biden advisors should ever let them get in front of a mic.
  13. Whatever the case is with the cap, it just shows you how bad the bills wanted him off the team.
  14. How do you know when Donald trump is lying? His lips are moving! He lied agin yesterday. he never visited the family of the girl in Michigan that died. he didn’t even talk to them. I think trump has a serious mental problem.
  15. I didn’t expect this to happen this year because of the cap hit. What is the cap situation now? Must be loading up to move into the top of the draft!
  16. Do I believe trump? ***** no! But these two dip ***** get what they deserve for doing business with the orange asshat. He would turn on his own family to make a buck!
  17. Did I say I was hurt? Where did I say I was hurt? What was my lie? You still haven’t posted any proof of your claims. Calling me a liar isn’t proof. Calling me a liar with no proof tells me you have nothing. But that is what I expected from you. Very boring.
  18. Just post something that refutes what I said. I’ll listen. I tell my brother the same thing. I was willing to listen to anything that was proof of a stolen election or whatever. I just don’t want to hear bull ***** and lies. He knew I wasn’t a Dem, that I would listen. So far no one has even tried.
  19. Lol now that’s funny! Best show of all time! Post this for all your bumps:
  20. Thanks man I appreciate your kind words. I guess I’m supposed to be upset now cause you called me a name? Ok
  21. Same for you. Nice try. You got nothing. like I said. Own it and move on. You won’t look so stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. That was obviously a dark day and mistake (for lake of a better word right now). The Republican Party would be better off if they would own it and move on. That can’t move on because they keep trying to down play it. Keep trying to defended trump. There is no defense for that crap!
  22. Man you need to be able to understand things to have a conversation with people. If you don’t have anything of listening or reading comprehension I would stay off here. Did I say trump directly in those exact words call down hell? His words, because I have heard them more than 1000 times by now I don’t even need to look them up. “We are going to march down to the Capitol”( me and … still laugh at how he says Capitol). ” You got to fight like hell, because of you don’t you won’t have a country anymore “! You denying he said those words. please do please deny it. it will confirm everything I think. Dude you can call me a liar all you want, you think that bothers me? Some dude on a message board calls me a name? Is that the best you got? Support your side, you know you can’t that is why you are resorting to calling me names. Thank you for telling me I’m right.
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