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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Good. Block baby. I don’t block anybody because I like to see how stupid trump ass lickers are and you guys don’t disappoint!
  2. Ha ha. I love it. Not original but I love it.
  3. Putin owns trump. Trump is afraid of him, trump wants to be him. And you guys bend over for him. Trump is the dumbest person I have ever heard talk. He is a liar, narcissist, hateful vile person. And you guys love him. That tells me all I need to know about his followers. I don’t care what your profession is, all it means is you are book smart. I grew up with someone who was book smart, otherwise he was the dumbest person I ever met. No common sense, no thinking or reasoning ability. He could read a book, remember what it said and pass a test. He didn’t learn a damn thing! That fits trump supporters too a tee. Of course you have the dumb ass inbreds that love him also. How many of you bird brains drive around on Sunday morning with your trump flags and confederate flags and nazi flags proudly flying on the back of your pick up trucks? Got the huge tires and the let’s go Brandon bumper stickers. Low IQ rednecks! LOL, great entertainment!
  4. You know what I’m saying. If you can’t understand that you shouldn’t get involved in any conversation. What do they say about if you keep your mouth shut we might think you are dumb. If you open your mouth we know you are dumb!
  5. From the party that is afraid of Putin and kisses his ass. I will always laugh at you guys. You would sell out America to Putin.
  6. Kay for the win! Someone who obviously educated themselves on a subject before trying to comment on it. Awesome.
  7. Trump stock is going down faster than Marjorie Taylor green at a Nazi rally! Bloomberg removed him from their billionaires list! LOL 😂
  8. The funny thing is you dumb asses will believe anything shitler says. Just like he didn’t raise $50 mil. He will say anything for a vote. LOL at you for being suckered in. And don’t come at me telling me you believe him because that will just confirm how *****en stupid you are!
  9. I didn’t think much about the eclipse leading up to today. My wife and kids were disappointed. I told her if I knew you were all looking forward to it I would have went somewhere else to watch it. I told her weeks ago it would be cloudy today. I don’t even look at the weather report anymore and I knew it would be cloudy. It’s WNY. It’s an arm pit!
  10. That was some lame ass *****. What a let down!i feel for the poor bastards that flew into Niagara Falls. Don’t people do their research? Wny is an arm pit!
  11. I have seen a lot of our country and want to see more. It is a beautiful country. I have never went to visit an area or not visit an area more importantly based on politics. I never said our country is garbage, I’m not sure how you got that from that post? I don’t travel overseas because I want to see our country. In fact my dream vacation is to rent an RV and take about a month and drive across the country.
  12. No problem bro. I came here thinking I might learn something (after wanting to stir the pot) but that would be impossible when people are still fighting about ***** that happened 3-4 years ago. The only thing I’ve learned is this country is ***** no matter who wins!
  13. And? Are my posts fighting about the pandemic? That is what I was commenting on, that’s the direction this has taken. if your shelves weren’t bare in stores around you it wasn’t because of anything your politicians did that’s for sure. You were mostly just lucky and you should get on your knees and thank the almighty and be thankful! i talked to a friend of mine today I haven’t seen for a while, came up from North Carolina for a visit. She had 3 family members die from COVID and 1 in the hospital for 3 months. Stfu and be thankful!
  14. I can’t believe you guys fight about this stuff? Sad. I didn’t realize bills fans were this stupid? Now I know who the Jack assess are who jump thru tables lol.
  15. You started a new thread to say that? That’s all you got? Pathetic!
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