Putin owns trump. Trump is afraid of him, trump wants to be him. And you guys bend over for him. Trump is the dumbest person I have ever heard talk. He is a liar, narcissist, hateful vile person. And you guys love him. That tells me all I need to know about his followers. I don’t care what your profession is, all it means is you are book smart. I grew up with someone who was book smart, otherwise he was the dumbest person I ever met. No common sense, no thinking or reasoning ability. He could read a book, remember what it said and pass a test. He didn’t learn a damn thing! That fits trump supporters too a tee. Of course you have the dumb ass inbreds that love him also.
How many of you bird brains drive around on Sunday morning with your trump flags and confederate flags and nazi flags proudly flying on the back of your pick up trucks? Got the huge tires and the let’s go Brandon bumper stickers. Low IQ rednecks! LOL, great entertainment!