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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. The crib notes of my post was yes we have a heat pump, recycle, wife is a vegan, I’m getting there. Do whatever else we reasonably can. I will not buy an electric car they are a scam. I’m still mad Dodge stopped making the challenger. I wanted to kill myself in the 800 horsepower hell cat one day. i do like you screen name, love that band.
  2. I had a long post I deleted. Not worth it. I don’t blame you for questioning stuff. If you Don’t to believe in global warming based on party lines I can’t change your mind. (Of course I’m assuming you’re Republican? I could be wrong.)
  3. I use swipe on my phone to post. How words get spelled? You will see a lot of my posts are edited. But I have always loved the contribution the spell checkers provide. Thanks for your service.
  4. I just wish there something we could do about school shootings but that is above my pay grade. I certainly don’t have the answers. Frankly I don’t think there is an answer. I think one day God will sort it all out.
  5. I’m not here to argue with you about gun rights and I’m certainly not here to try and take your rights away. I have my opinions but they are not worth much. You do you.
  6. I’m glad it worked out well for you. Every once in a while you do come up with some goods stuff.
  7. I seen OJ on a golf course once, I asked him how his slice was?
  8. The drama. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be in that situation. I’ve made it this far. And if I do and die so be it. At least I had the courage to die for what I believe in. But you do you. Oh and by the way, how did that work out for that safety from Washington Sean Taylor?
  9. Good! Drop dead!
  10. I’m fully aware she can Handel herself. It’s obvious. I’m just trying to figure out where you are coming from with that response?
  11. Look, to be clear I am against abortion. But if these idiots think they will stop with this? I hate guns personally, I think you are a candy ass if you need a gun to settle a matter. But I would never try to take someone’s gun rights away. I like my freedom of speech and wouldn’t want that taken away so I don’t feel it’s right to take a right away from someone else. i know abortion is not a right and I’m not here arguing for it so don’t come at me with your trash. I’m just saying if you think the govt will stop there you are dumber than I thought!
  12. And this has to do with what exactly? Funny story but you can’t argue with her so you try to say she is crazy? In your feeble little brain you think this discredits her in any way? This just shows how ignorant you are. Why don’t you present a counter argument based on fact? Oh that’s right, you can’t. Thanks for telling us how little you know. Go sit down now:
  13. Please try to argue with this again Tim so she can make you look like an idiot again! Kay you are the only reason to come to this side of the message board.
  14. If things were left up to the states trump would not be in the ballot in about 12 states!
  15. I’d rather let the illegal aliens in and deport trump supporters. They commit more crimes than illegal aliens and the illegal aliens work harder.
  16. Good. Block baby. I don’t block anybody because I like to see how stupid trump ass lickers are and you guys don’t disappoint!
  17. Ha ha. I love it. Not original but I love it.
  18. Putin owns trump. Trump is afraid of him, trump wants to be him. And you guys bend over for him. Trump is the dumbest person I have ever heard talk. He is a liar, narcissist, hateful vile person. And you guys love him. That tells me all I need to know about his followers. I don’t care what your profession is, all it means is you are book smart. I grew up with someone who was book smart, otherwise he was the dumbest person I ever met. No common sense, no thinking or reasoning ability. He could read a book, remember what it said and pass a test. He didn’t learn a damn thing! That fits trump supporters too a tee. Of course you have the dumb ass inbreds that love him also. How many of you bird brains drive around on Sunday morning with your trump flags and confederate flags and nazi flags proudly flying on the back of your pick up trucks? Got the huge tires and the let’s go Brandon bumper stickers. Low IQ rednecks! LOL, great entertainment!
  19. You know what I’m saying. If you can’t understand that you shouldn’t get involved in any conversation. What do they say about if you keep your mouth shut we might think you are dumb. If you open your mouth we know you are dumb!
  20. From the party that is afraid of Putin and kisses his ass. I will always laugh at you guys. You would sell out America to Putin.
  21. Kay for the win! Someone who obviously educated themselves on a subject before trying to comment on it. Awesome.
  22. Trump stock is going down faster than Marjorie Taylor green at a Nazi rally! Bloomberg removed him from their billionaires list! LOL 😂
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