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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. in a way I want trump to win because of the ***** show that will follow. I never want to hear about this ***** again and frankly it is the only way to get rid of magaets. Either the Republican Party will just die like they should or they will just go back to being normal jackasses!
  2. You can’t be serious with this are you? With the lies you have to swallow along with jizz to be able to support trump? Talk about tds! At this point we all know who and what kind of person trump is. he’s not going to change, major piece of ***** along with losing his mind. It says more about you than it does trump if you support him. I want all you ***** that support him to admit it, post all your lies and bull#### so we know exactly who and what you are. definitely the bottom rung of society, white trash. What are you going to do when trump loses is the real question? Because now we know what scum you people are. I hope you don’t talk about this out in the open. I would be embarrassed to admit I support that pos trump. Hopefully you have enough brain cells left to keep it under wraps.
  3. I didn’t realize I joined that long ago? You have tds and you know what I mean.
  4. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. Historical!
  5. Bunch of dumb mother *****. Bottom of the barrel.
  6. I made the list this time! Yes!!! I’m improving!
  7. Wa wa wa He posts nothing but bull *****.
  8. Thank you for telling me I’m right. If insults are all you got to fall back on you are done.
  9. Holy cow 116* in may? I count live there, summer will be unbearable.
  10. Lies? Just because you type that doesn’t make it true, it just shows you are the liar but we already knew that because you are a trump supporter. Lol 😂
  11. Trump finally won a poll.
  12. I love these posts. Thanks for telling me I’m right. If you had anything good to say to prove me wrong you would say it. When you have nothing you resort to name calling.
  13. We’re not opec. You do understand that right?
  14. Where do you come up with this? What else has gone on since supply chain issues? Nothing but high gas prices while this country pumps the most oil in its history, even more than under trump! and the most in the world! All these companies have record profits. Not just oil companies but a bunch of the other ***** you buy, they are making record profits. Hell even Starbucks profited $24,000,000,000! They have 400,000 employees, they could give every employee an $11,000 a year raise and still have profited $20,000,000,000!
  15. For some reason they were trying to get stormy to admit trump was a good golfer and the most famous person at the tournament she met him at. Talk about strange lawyers!
  16. Ha ha ha. Way to miss quote me. My point was obviously lost on you, way over your head. I didn’t say Biden is shadier than a tack but I will guarantee he is sharper than you.
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