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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Nothing is funny about this. This is the only thing you got to say about your hero?
  2. The irony! Get your fingers loosened up only 185 posts to go today. Do you type with your hood on or off? Got to be hard to see thru those holes in the pillow case.
  3. These companies are making record profits, that is why the stock market is doing good. That should tell you where inflation is coming from but I’m not here to argue that because I’m no expert. Just don’t miss out on record profits listening to stupid politicians.
  4. Nuke this place. It depends on the level of entertainment you keep providing. I told you a few weeks back I might change my mind and stay just because of you.
  5. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I’m just trying to give you friendly advice. This is not about right and left, trump and Biden. ***** all that. Invest! I will be retired in 10 years. I will be fine! I started buying and putting money in Roth IRA for my wife and me in my early 30’s. I’m sure you heard of compounding. If you can scrape together (I don’t remember how much it was) $10,000 do it! Don’t fall for all this political crap and miss out! I’m telling you, I was listening to it and thought I was *****! The whole time all this bitching was going on my money doubled!
  6. The whole premise of this thread is a joke. Irv with the fake outrage. What a mess.
  7. Invest. Buy Roth IRA. i stopped listening to all this *****. Last year after my financial planner called me into his office. I thought I was *****. I was just hoping the news wasn’t too bad, hoping it only lost about half its value or so. Worried it lost a lot more than that. He starts telling me what my portfolio is worth, how much it went up, it was now going to be managed by his parent company, I was going to get the white glove treatment. The lesson? Stop listening to all this political crap about the economy! I was shocked, stunned when I left. Invest, Invest invest! I don’t know how long you have to go till you retire but buy Roth IRA,
  8. Why would I leave? Cause you said so? You guys really are delusional! I get what you are saying. But you being here longer means nothing. At this point and time you’re posting is no better than his. You guys have different opinions. That’s it. Both post way too much 💩. someone start by being the bigger man. I’m sure I’m talking to a wall but moderate yourselves, your grown boys. You can do it. You will never agree with eachother. Just a thought.
  9. Attack attack attack. Name calling on a message board. Old butt hurt ladies. Big deal. Nuke this place.
  10. It looked like a conversation was getting started about it but it seems everyone just wasn’t back to name calling. The irony of the people who post 175 times a day calling out the person who posts 200 times a day and all the posts are useless childish name calling is just laughable. The thing that amazes me the most is this will go on everyday till the election. Commie 💩 posting. Full of TDS. Nuke this place!
  11. Commie 💩 posting. The irony of this thread is laughable.
  12. Aww are you butt hurt? Nuke this board
  13. Spamming the board a today I see. Nuke this place!
  14. Still commie 💩 posting. The irony is laughable.
  15. Commie 💩 posting
  16. Commie 💩 posting
  17. S*it poster. Sh*t posting.
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