Maga is just a bunch of white trash. At least they got out of the trailer park.
That’s definitely an improvement from trump. And a step up from his usual supporters!
Ha ha. That the best you got? Defend your whiner b*tch.
Accepting BS as fact? Trump is your god, you been slurping down jiz and BS for years. I don’t know how you dumb ***** live with yourselves with all the sh*t you eat.
You do you. That is my right to free speech, I’ll comment on what I want to not what some ass hat on a message board tells me to. I don’t get involved in every battle, there is a new one every 48 hours or so.
I’ve said this all along, trump would not have been charged if he just gave them back without a fight. He thinks rules don’t apply to him.
also it seems like all of them, on both sides have no respect for classified documents.
Deflect much? There are a lot of threads I don’t comment in. It’s like I told me brother, I don’t get involved in every battle. He does, you can tell it’s affecting him.
Shi*t for brains. I think you need to go take a walk through Arlington National cemetery. Got to a Nazi holocaust museum. The best thing for you to do is not comment on this, anything else just makes you look like a neo nazi.
LOL you can’t make this stuff up!
LOL you can’t make this stuff up!
You got to be sweating like a ***** in church about now? Supporting this nazi loser? Did you have to take down all the mirrors in your house? Got to be tough looking at yourself in the mirror!