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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Dude I just typed you out a good pm to send you on here and you must have it turned off. I might send it to you over there. Don’t worry, nothing bad.
  2. He buddy? How you been? Funny to see you here lol. Don’t start *****, I actually like you and your passion for the bills. That is why I never beat on you over here.
  3. Ah no. Oh so that impressed you? And I am special, don’t forget it.
  4. Oh that makes it so much better. Two people still kiss the ring. That’s great!
  5. Too good to not post. I didn’t know what thread to put this in? I can’t stop laughing!
  6. Maga is just a bunch of white trash. At least they got out of the trailer park. That’s definitely an improvement from trump. And a step up from his usual supporters!
  7. Ha ha. That the best you got? Defend your whiner b*tch. Accepting BS as fact? Trump is your god, you been slurping down jiz and BS for years. I don’t know how you dumb ***** live with yourselves with all the sh*t you eat.
  8. You do you. That is my right to free speech, I’ll comment on what I want to not what some ass hat on a message board tells me to. I don’t get involved in every battle, there is a new one every 48 hours or so.
  9. Of course he did. Pull your head out of your ass.
  10. I’ve said this all along, trump would not have been charged if he just gave them back without a fight. He thinks rules don’t apply to him. also it seems like all of them, on both sides have no respect for classified documents.
  11. Deflect much? There are a lot of threads I don’t comment in. It’s like I told me brother, I don’t get involved in every battle. He does, you can tell it’s affecting him.
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